A Bluetooth library that works as an interface/wrapper on top of Apple's Core Bluetooth. If curious about the design behind this library see: Bluelips Library Design.
- iOS 13.0+
- Swift 5.0+
- Xcode 12.0+
NOTE: These instructions are based on Xcode 13.4.1, the steps may deffer for different Xcode versions.
1 . Open your project and add a package dependency as you prefer (for example: right click on the project -> Add Packages or from the project's Package Dependencies tab).
2 . Paste the following in the package URL field:
3 . Follow the instructions until the Bluelips package is added to the project
Once the package was successfully added you should be able to access it by importing the module:
import Bluelips
Before anything else you will need to start the library and scan for devices as the following code excerpt shows:
import Bluelips
let bleServicesManager = BLEServicesManager(withDelegate: self)
// (1) Start the BLE services library:
// This causes the `stateDidChangeTo(newState: BLEState)` method of the `BLEServicesDelegate` to be called
// (2) Start scanning for Bluetooth devices:
// You want to do this after `stateDidChangeTo(newState: BLEState)` is called, and you have verified the state is valid for scanning (for example `.poweredOn`).
Detected devices will be notified to the provided BLEServicesDelegate
's method: didDiscoverPeripheral(_ blePeripheral: BLEPeripheral)
Check DemoApp for additional functionality.
Your app will crash if its Info.plist
doesn’t include the required usage description keys. To access Core Bluetooth APIs on apps linked on or after iOS 13, include the Privacy – Bluetooth Always Usage Description (NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
) key.
In addition you will also need to add the appropriate background mode (Uses Bluetooth LE Accesories) to the app target capabilities, as show here:
The DemoApp directory contains a sample application. It provides an example to explore the BLE Library features like:
- Scan for peripherals
- Connect to a peripheral
- See the list of GATT Services and Characteristics provided by the connected peripheral
- Read, Write and Subscribe/Unsubscribe to a Characteristic