Releases: DanielOgorchock/ST_Anything
ST_Anything v2.8 - Added support for the ESP32 microcontroller
This is the first release of ST_Anything to support the ESP32 microcontroller. I have added a new example sketch demonstrating the use of all usable GPIO pins on the board. The example sketch is called ST_Anyting_Multiples_ESP32WiFi.ino.
Please refer to the ReadMe for more information on using the ESP32 with ST_Anyting.
Special thanks to Joshua Spain for his contributions in getting ST_Anything to run on the ESP32!
v2.71 Support for MKR1000, WiFi101, and fixed Arduino+ESP01
-Added support for the Arduino MKR1000 board
-Added support for Arduino + WiFi101 shield (or Adafruit ATWINC1500 breakout board)
-Fixed performance and reliability issues with the Arduino + ESP01 combination
Note: Arduino IDE Serial Monitor Window must now be set to 115200 baud rate!
v2.7 Added support for W5500 Shield...
v2.7 adds support for the W5500 Arduino Shield. This required breaking the "SmartThings" library into multiple folders. Please be sure to make your libraries folder look exactly like the one in the repo.
Also added a ST_Anything_AlarmPanel_ESP8266WiFi.ino example sketch which takes into account the limitations of the NodeMCU's GPIO pins. Read the ST_Anything ReadMe for a description of these limitations (near the bottom of the file.)
v2.6 Added Support for ThingShield with Parent/Child Device Handlers
Added support for ThingShield. Many SmartThings library updates as well as changes to ST_Anything. Best to get a fresh copy of every library.
v2.5 Support for new ST Composite Device Handlers
See Readme for details
Added ST "Button" Capability
Added ST "Button" Capability
See comments at the top of the IS_Button.h file in the ST_Anything library for details of the new constructor to be used in your sketch's setup() routine.
Added support for Arduino/ESP-01 WiFi combination
In v2.1, both the "SmartThings" and "ST_Anything" libraries were updated in order to support and demonstrate the use of an Arduino MEGA with an ESP-01 WiFi module.
There are now 4 valid hardware combinations:
-Arduino UNO/MEGA with ST ThingShield
-Arduino UNO/MEGA with W5100 Ethernet Shield
-Arduino MEGA with ESP-01 WiFi module (ESP-01 must have "AT" firmware")
-NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266-12e (Note: I have not tested any other ESP8266's other than NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266-12e)
New examples are provided for the "Arduino MEGA with ESP-01 WiFi module" in both the "SmartThings" and "ST_Anything" libraries.
Other minor fixes have also been implemented since the last release. I have also included a copy of the "WiFiEsp" library to ensure a compatible version is always available to this project.
ST_Anything v2.0 / SmartThings v2.0
This major release includes significant changes to the SmartThings libary in order to support additional communications methods other than just the ThingShield (no longer sold by SmartThings.) This release includes support for the W5100 Ethernet shield when used with an Arduino UNO or MEGA. Additionally, the NodeMCU ESP8266 is fully supprted as a standalone solution. New examples have been included in the library.
The ST_Anything libraries have also been revised accordingly to use the new SmartThings library.
Details are in the corresponding ReadMe files.
Final Release prior to new v2.0 baseline
This is a final "wrap-up" release for the v1.x codebase. A new v2.x baseline is under development and will break some backwards compatibility. Therefore, to preserve the ability for users to pull this old baseline, they will have the option to download the v1.6 release.
Smoke Detector Capability
Added SmartThings "Smoke Detector Capability" to the ST_Anything library. Also added a new Alarm_Panel example (Arduino sketch and Groovy DeviceType).