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Added support for Arduino/ESP-01 WiFi combination

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@ogiewon ogiewon released this 21 Feb 03:25
· 723 commits to master since this release

In v2.1, both the "SmartThings" and "ST_Anything" libraries were updated in order to support and demonstrate the use of an Arduino MEGA with an ESP-01 WiFi module.

There are now 4 valid hardware combinations:

-Arduino UNO/MEGA with ST ThingShield
-Arduino UNO/MEGA with W5100 Ethernet Shield
-Arduino MEGA with ESP-01 WiFi module (ESP-01 must have "AT" firmware")
-NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266-12e (Note: I have not tested any other ESP8266's other than NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266-12e)

New examples are provided for the "Arduino MEGA with ESP-01 WiFi module" in both the "SmartThings" and "ST_Anything" libraries.

Other minor fixes have also been implemented since the last release. I have also included a copy of the "WiFiEsp" library to ensure a compatible version is always available to this project.