This mod is now being maintained by linuxgurugamer
Old notes below for posterity.
A Kerbal Space Program mod that opens the map view in another window/monitor. It works by launching a separate instance of the game, and syncing the time and ship information via networking (udp/tcp).
Contains some bugs, but luckily they don't happen in your main game window, just on the map view. When that happens you can keep playing and only have to restart the map view.
To get it working, you'll need two separate installs of KSP; your normal one and a separate one just for this mod. The "server" stuff goes in your normal game (in the GameData directory), the "client" stuff goes in the other install (also under GameData). Start up an instance of both and you should be in business, providing you have the CPU and GPU and RAM to handle it.
- Syncing of time and time warp
- Syncing of active vessel's trajectory
- Syncing of all vessels' orbits
- Syncing of maneuver nodes (bidrectionally)
Check the enhancement list on github
Check the buglist on github.
- 2 monitors
- 4 core processor
Or a separate computer to run the map view on.
Stand Alone Map View copyright 2014 Daniel Kinsman
GNU General Public License v3
protobuf-net copyright 2008 Marc Gravell
Apache Licese v2.0
Parts of the code based on KSP Plugin Framework
KSP Plugin Framework copyright 2014 TriggerAu
MIT License