###description: SudoOp is a bukkit plugin that allows normal users to excecute commands as operators by being approved to excecute the command by an overseer.
- /sudoOp [command] [args]
- creates a new request for command excecution
- permission: SudoOp.Request
- /sudoApprove [Username] [Approval Code]
- approve an open request for command excectuion
- permission: SudoOp.Approve
- /sudoCancel [Approval Code]
- cancels one of your open requests
- permission: SudoOp.Cancel
- /sudoDeny [Username] [Approval Code]
- Denies an open request for command excectuion
- permission: SudoOp.Deny
- implement database technology for logging
- allow notifications to be sent to moderators upon login about changes that occurred while they were gone
- allow moderators to search requests
- create configuration for blacklisted commands
- create configuration for permissions with which approved users will excecute the approved commands
- allow overseers to list open commands
- allow users to list their open commands