released this
15 Mar 19:42
1300 commits
to master
since this release
ReactPhysics3D version 0.5.0
What is new in this version:
- It is now possible to use multiple collision shapes per body.
- Add ray casting support.
- Replace the Sweep-And-Prune algorithm by a Dynamic AABB Tree for the broad-phase collision detection.
- Add methods to check if a point is inside a body or a proxy shape.
- The center of mass of a body is now automatically computed from its collision shapes.
- Add collision filtering using collision categories (with bit masks).
- It is possible to attach user data to a body or a proxy shape.
- It is now possible to create a quaternion using Euler angles.
- It now possible to activate of deactivate a body.
- Differentiation between dynamic, kinematic and static bodies.
- Gravity can now be changed after the creation of the world.
- The center of mass and inertia tensor of a body can be set manually (center of mass can be different from the body origin).
- Add a simulation step callback in the EventListener class that is called at each internal physics tick.
- Add methods to transform points/vectors from/into local-space/world-space coordinates of a body.
- Add CollisionWorld::testAABBOverlap() method to test overlap between two bodies or two proxy shapes.
- Fix two issues in the EPA algorithm.
- Add a ray casting example.
- Add unit tests for ray casting and collision detection.
- Use GLFW instead of GLUT/Freeglut for the examples.