Welcome to Sygma-Seo-Website
This architecture proposes a reutilisable code and easy to maintain. It also provides good practice like MVC layout and object oriented.
This website works with the symfony framework ( 5.0.5 ).
- Symfony
- Docker (Configure your environment)
- Ansible (Deploy with ansible folder)
- Github Action
- Tailwind CSS
- Webpack
For generate a coverage-html ( available in /public/data/index.html )
php bin/phpunit --coverage-html public/data
Testing Symfony Website
php bin/phpunit
if you want to modify this project, the following links you may be useful
- https://symfony.com/doc/current/index.html#gsc.tab=0
- https://www.docker.com/
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/index.html
Standard :
- PSR2 ( https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/ )