I'm a student pursuing an HND in IT with a passion for developing innovative software solutions. My current projects and learning endeavors reflect my enthusiasm for full-stack development, particularly in the areas of Next.js, TypeScript, and various backend technologies.
🔭 I’m currently working on:
- LMS-App: An E-Learning Management System for ATI using Next.js, Prisma, and TypeScript.
- LMS-App-Backend-API: The backend API for the LMS-App, built with Node.js, Express, TypeScript, and MongoDB Atlas.
- Book_Store: A CRUD RESTful backend for a bookstore application using the MERN stack.
🌱 I’m currently learning:
- Advanced TypeScript for scalable and maintainable code.
- Next.js for server-side rendering and static site generation.
- Backend development with Go and Gorilla Mux.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on:
- Open-source projects that focus on e-learning platforms or educational tools.
- Innovative web applications using Next.js and TypeScript.
- Backend development projects with Node.js or Go.
- LMS-App-Backend-API: Node.js, Express, TypeScript, MongoDB Atlas.
- ATI-User-Login-System: User login system in PHP.
- Book_Store: MERN stack bookstore application with CRUD operations.
- Flask_Todo_App: Flask-based todo application with SQLite.
Frontend | Backend | Database | Other |