This is meant to be a complete example of using Phoenix + Docker + Edeliver + Distillery to manage releases.
This approach uses MacOS for development, uses Ubuntu 18.04 in a docker container for building releases and deployment to a Ubuntu 18.04 Production host.
- Develop locally on a Mac
- Use eDeliver + distillery to build a release inside a docker image (this docker image should be as close a match as possible to your production deployemnt OS
- Use eDeliver to deploy to production
Note: replace (in this project) with your production hostname or IP address
Perform Dev Mac Config Setup and Production Server Setup (see sections below)
- Install and start and docker on the Mac dev machine
- Install Phoenix & elixir on the Mac dev machine
- Create user and install postgresql, nginx on the Production Host Server
- Create the database and nginx config to proxy (e.g. external port 80/443 to port 4000 on localhost) on the Production Host Server
- Setup public key authentication for ssh on the Production Host Server
Clone this repo
git clone
Enter the app project directory
cd myapp
setup npm:
npm install
Get dependencies:
mix deps.get
Generate a new Phoenix secret:
mix phoenix.gen.secret
Create a prod.secret.exs file and replace "
" in./config/prod.secret.exs
with the value that was generated (note: this file is not stored in the git repo)use Mix.Config # In this file, we keep production configuration that # you likely want to automate and keep it away from # your version control system. # # You should document the content of this # file or create a script for recreating it, since it's # kept out of version control and might be hard to recover # or recreate for your teammates (or you later on). config :myapp, Myapp.Endpoint, secret_key_base: "some_secret" # Configure your database config :myapp, Myapp.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, username: "myapp", password: "myapp", database: "myapp_prod", pool_size: 20
Replace "
" in file./.deliver/config
with the actual hostname or IP address of your production host -
Copy your public ssh key (ideally you should create new pair just for build and deployment)
cp ~/.ssh/ ./config/
Set up your local database:
mix ecto.setup
Try running the app locally:
mix phoenix.server
Stop the server (control-c; control-c)
Build the docker image:
docker build --tag=elixir-build -f docker/Dockerfile .
Run the docker image:
docker run -d -p 22:22 -P --name elixir-build elixir-build
Check that you can ssh into the docker image:
ssh localhost
You should also check that you can ssh into the Production Host Server
Build a release for production:
mix edeliver build release
Deploy the build to the Production Host:
mix edeliver deploy release to production
Note: If you are presented with multiple releases, you need to type the version number of the release that you want to deploy then press [return]
Versions: 0.0.1+10-71f22f0 0.0.1+6-33f658d Enter Version:
Start the Phoenix app on the Production Host:
mix edeliver start production
Now, if you have setup everything correctly you should be able to load the main site URL and it will proxy to the Phoenix app.
Let's stert building a blog
Let's add posts to our app:
mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts title:string body:text
resources "/posts", PostController
... scope "/", Myapp do pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack get "/", PageController, :index resources "/posts", PostController end ...
Let's test locally--start updating the routes:
mix phoenix.routes
The apply the schema change:
mix ecto.migrate
Test locally
mix phoenix.server
Now you should be able open this URL in a web browser: http://localhost:4000/posts
If everything looks good (no errors, and you see a posts page) Commit the changes
git add . git commit
Now build the release:
mix edeliver build release
, then you should see something like this:BUILDING RELEASE OF MYAPP APP ON BUILD HOST -----> Authorizing hosts -----> Ensuring hosts are ready to accept git pushes -----> Pushing new commits with git to: builder@localhost -----> Resetting remote hosts to fdd847a8edbf45df440dbe891a222aa0526a47e3 -----> Cleaning generated files from last build -----> Linking to prod.secret.exs replacement config -----> Linking to prod.secret.exs replacement config: TARGET_MIX_ENV=prod -----> Fetching / Updating dependencies -----> Installing nodejs dependencies -----> Building static assets -----> Compiling code -----> Running phoenix.digest -----> Compiling sources -----> Generating release -----> Copying release 0.0.1+2-fdd847a to local release store -----> Copying myapp.tar.gz to release store RELEASE BUILD OF MYAPP WAS SUCCESSFUL!
Stop the production host:
mix edeliver stop production
Deploy the release--Look for the release number from the output above--look for "Copying release 0.0.1+2-fdd847a ..." then use that version number in the edeliver deploy command:
mix edeliver deploy release to production --version=0.0.1+2-fdd847
Start the production host:
mix edeliver start production
Run the database migration on the production host:
mix edeliver migrate production
Now you should be able to open the production posts URL in a web browser using this URL: "" (of course you need to change the hostname to be the IP or hostname you are using in production.
Make a change and commit the change
Make some change in your project--for example, edit the file:
and change "Welcome to Phoenix!" to "Welcome to Myapp!" -
Commit the changes
git add . git commit
Get the version currently running in production:
mix edeliver version production
-- you should get a response like this: EDELIVER MYAPP WITH VERSION COMMAND-----> getting release versions from production servers production node: user : elixir_user host : path : /opt/elixir response: 0.0.1+2-fdd847a branch : master date : 2017-05-20 15:57:18 -0700 (git commit) commits : added a change initial commit ... VERSION DONE!
Use the version listed to the right of "response:" and create an upgrade:
mix edeliver build upgrade --with=0.0.1+2-fdd847a
Deploy the upgrade to production:
mix edeliver deploy upgrade to production
Now try to load the main page--you should now see "Welcome to Myapp!":
- Develop on a Mac
- Install
- Install Docker
- Deploy to Ubuntu 16.04 VPS
- Ensure that you have an ssh keys, if not, you should create an ssh key
- Add a an entry in ~/.ssh/config to allow ssh connection to your local docker (user = builder) and to the deployment server (user = elixir_user)
Host localhost
User builder
Hostname localhost
port 22
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
User elixir_user
port 22
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Install erlang & elixir (assumes that you are using homebrew on your mac)
brew install erlang elixir node
Install Phoenix using the Installation Instructions
You should use something like Ansible of Fabric to perform all server config (you should not ssh into your server and make these changes)--Here are the key operations:
- Create a user to run the elixir app on the production server (e.g. elixir_user)
- Ensure that the user has read/write access to the deployment directory on the server in this example that is /opt/elixir (see 'DELIVER_TO' in
- Ensure that the user has read/write access to the deployment directory on the server in this example that is /opt/elixir (see 'DELIVER_TO' in
- Install postgresql on production host
- Create postgres user myapp with password myapp (See
) - Create postgres database myapp_prod, writeably by user myapp, encoding = UTF8 (See
) - Install nginx and configure it to proxy your Phoenix app--See info and info
Here are some useful commands (that you can execute in the project directory on your development machine):
Stop docker:
docker stop elixir-build
Remove the docker image:
docker rm elixir-build
Perform a full docker build (don't cache any state from previous builds):
docker build --no-cache=true --tag=elixir-build -f docker/Dockerfile .
Perform an incremental docker build:
docker build --tag=elixir-build -f docker/Dockerfile .
Run the docker container (assumes that you are not using port 22 on your mac):
docker run -d -p 22:22 -P --name elixir-build elixir-build
mix edeliver build releaseYou must ssh into deployment host sudo chown myapp -R /home/myapp sudo chgrp myapp -R /home/myapp
mix edeliver build release production mix edeliver deploy release to production mix edeliver start production mix edeliver restart production
If you run into issues with your docker build, try a full (non-incremental) build that doesn't try to used cached build state: docker build --no-cache=true --tag=elixir-build -f docker/Dockerfile .
mix edeliver start production
will indicate that it has succeeded even if the app cannot connect to the database.
To get more info, ssh into the production server and execute the app to see what it is reporting
/opt/elixir/myapp/myapp/bin/myapp console
If there is a database issue you might see something like:
23:07:42.283 [error] Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.1327.0>) failed to connect:
** (Postgrex.Error) FATAL 28P01 (invalid_password): password authentication failed for user "postgres"
It can be helpful to get info about the server to check that it is binding to the correct port, etc.
You can start the server with mix edeliver start production
Then ssh into the production host
You could try to see if you can access the app using curl: curl localhost:4000
You can also get some state on the server using these steps:
Get the app name.Endpoint from your file (in this case it's Myapp.Endpoint
and append .Server
to get a server name of Myapp.Endpoint.Server
Once the server has been started, ssh into your production host and run the app with remote console: /opt/elixir/myapp/bin/myapp remote_console
Then type :sys.get_state Myapp.Endpoint.Server
into the console to get info like:
{:state, {:local, Myapp.Endpoint.Server}, :one_for_one,
[{:child, #PID<0.1338.0>, {:ranch_listener_sup, Myapp.Endpoint.HTTP},
{Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyHandler, :start_link,
[:http, Myapp.Endpoint,
{:ranch_listener_sup, :start_link,
[Myapp.Endpoint.HTTP, 100, :ranch_tcp,
[max_connections: 16384, port: 4000], :cowboy_protocol,
[env: [dispatch: [{:_, [],
[{["socket", "websocket"], [], Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyWebSocket,
{Myapp.Endpoint, Myapp.UserSocket, :websocket}}},
{:_, [], Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Handler,
{Myapp.Endpoint, []}}]}]]]]}]}, :permanent, :infinity, :supervisor,
[:ranch_listener_sup]}], :undefined, 3, 5, [], 0, Phoenix.Endpoint.Server,
{:myapp, Myapp.Endpoint}}
To start your Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Mailing list:
- Source:
- Elixir Forum
- Deploying an Elixir Umbrella project using Distillery and Edeliver by Bruce Pomeroy
- Simplifying Elixir Releases with Edeliver by Pete Corey
- Elixir/Phoenix deployments using Distillery by Yuva
- Distilling with Docker by Paul Lamb