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sweep: DIRACGrid#7895 Standard naming for TokenManager service classes
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fstagni committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent 667ece8 commit 6398e85
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Showing 3 changed files with 312 additions and 245 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/DIRAC/FrameworkSystem/ConfigTemplate.cfg
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,20 @@ Services
storeHostInfo = Operator
##BEGIN TokenManager:
# Section to describe TokenManager system
Port = 9181
# Description of rules for access to methods
# Settings by default:
Default = authenticated
getUsersTokensInfo = ProxyManagement
##BEGIN TornadoTokenManager:
# Section to describe TokenManager system
Expand Down
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions src/DIRAC/FrameworkSystem/Service/
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@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
"""TokenManager service is responsible for token management, namely storing, updating,
requesting new tokens for DIRAC components that have the appropriate permissions.
.. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg
:start-after: ##BEGIN TokenManager:
:end-before: ##END
:dedent: 2
:caption: TokenManager options
The most common use of this service is to obtain tokens with certain scope to return to the user for its purposes,
or to provide to the DIRAC service to perform asynchronous tasks on behalf of the user.
This is mainly about the :py:meth:`export_getToken` method.
.. image:: /_static/Systems/FS/TokenManager_getToken.png
:alt: (source
The client has a mechanism for caching the received tokens.
This helps reduce the number of requests to both the service and the Identity Provider (IdP).
If the client has a valid **access token** in the cache, it is used until it expires.
After that you need to update. The client can update it independently if on the server where it is in ``dirac.cfg``
``client_id`` and ``client_secret`` of the Identity Provider client are registered.
Otherwise, the client makes an RPC call to the **TornadoManager** service.
The ``refresh token`` from :py:class:`TokenDB <DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.DB.TokenDB.TokenDB>`
is taken and the **exchange token** request to Identity Provider is made.

import pprint

from DIRAC import S_ERROR, S_OK
from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Registry
from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RequestHandler import RequestHandler
from DIRAC.Core.Security import Properties
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.DB.TokenDB import TokenDB
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Utilities.TokenManagementUtilities import (
from DIRAC.Resources.IdProvider.IdProviderFactory import IdProviderFactory

class TokenManagerHandlerMixin:
DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION = ["authenticated"]

def initializeHandler(cls, *args):
:return: S_OK()/S_ERROR()

# The service plays an important OAuth 2.0 role, namely it is an Identity Provider client.
# This allows you to manage tokens without the involvement of their owners.
cls.idps = IdProviderFactory()

# Let's try to connect to the database
cls.__tokenDB = TokenDB(parentLogger=cls.log)
except Exception as e:
return S_ERROR(f"Could not connect to the database {repr(e)}")

return S_OK()

auth_getUserTokensInfo = ["authenticated"]
types_getUserTokensInfo = []

def export_getUserTokensInfo(self):
"""Generate information dict about user tokens
:return: dict
tokensInfo = []
credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
result = Registry.getDNForUsername(credDict["username"])
if not result["OK"]:
return result
for dn in result["Value"]:
result = Registry.getIDFromDN(dn)
if result["OK"]:
result = self.__tokenDB.getTokensByUserID(result["Value"])
if not result["OK"]:
return result
tokensInfo += result["Value"]
return S_OK(tokensInfo)

auth_getUsersTokensInfo = [Properties.PROXY_MANAGEMENT]
types_getUserTokensInfo = [list]

def export_getUsersTokensInfo(self, users: list):
"""Get the info about the user tokens in the database
:param users: user names
:return: S_OK(list) -- return list of tokens dictionaries
tokensInfo = []
for user in users:
# Find the user ID among his DNs
result = Registry.getDNForUsername(user)
if not result["OK"]:
return result
for dn in result["Value"]:
uid = Registry.getIDFromDN(dn).get("Value")
if uid:
result = self.__tokenDB.getTokensByUserID(uid)
if not result["OK"]:
for tokenDict in result["Value"]:
if tokenDict not in tokensInfo:
# The database does not contain a username,
# as it is a unique user ID exclusively for DIRAC
# and is not associated with a token.
tokenDict["username"] = user
return S_OK(tokensInfo)

types_updateToken = [dict, str, str, int]

def export_updateToken(self, token: dict, userID: str, provider: str, rt_expired_in: int = 24 * 3600):
"""Using this method, you can transfer user tokens for storage in the TokenManager.
It is important to note that TokenManager saves only one token per user and, accordingly,
the Identity Provider from which it was issued. So when a new token is delegated,
keep in mind that the old token will be deleted.
:param token: token
:param userID: user ID
:param provider: provider name
:param rt_expired_in: refresh token expires time (in seconds)
:return: S_OK(list)/S_ERROR() -- list contain uploaded tokens info as dictionaries
self.log.verbose(f"Update {userID} user token issued by {provider}:\n", pprint.pformat(token))
# prepare the client instance of the appropriate IdP to revoke the old tokens
result = self.idps.getIdProvider(provider)
if not result["OK"]:
return result
idPObj = result["Value"]
# overwrite old tokens with new ones
result = self.__tokenDB.updateToken(token, userID, provider, rt_expired_in)
if not result["OK"]:
return result
# revoke the old tokens
for oldToken in result["Value"]:
if "refresh_token" in oldToken and oldToken["refresh_token"] != token["refresh_token"]:
self.log.verbose("Revoke old refresh token:\n", pprint.pformat(oldToken))
# Let's return to the current situation with the storage of user tokens
return self.__tokenDB.getTokensByUserID(userID)

def __checkProperties(self, requestedUserDN: str, requestedUserGroup: str):
"""Check the properties and return if they can only download limited tokens if authorized
:param requestedUserDN: user DN
:param requestedUserGroup: DIRAC group
:return: S_OK(bool)/S_ERROR()
credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
if Properties.FULL_DELEGATION in credDict["properties"]:
return S_OK(False)
if Properties.LIMITED_DELEGATION in credDict["properties"]:
return S_OK(True)
if Properties.PRIVATE_LIMITED_DELEGATION in credDict["properties"]:
if credDict["DN"] != requestedUserDN:
return S_ERROR("You are not allowed to download any token")
if Properties.PRIVATE_LIMITED_DELEGATION not in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(requestedUserGroup):
return S_ERROR("You can't download tokens for that group")
return S_OK(True)
# Not authorized!
return S_ERROR("You can't get tokens!")

types_getToken = [None, None, None, None, None]

def export_getToken(
username: str = None,
userGroup: str = None,
scope: list[str] = None,
audience: str = None,
identityProvider: str = None,
requiredTimeLeft: int = 0,
"""Get an access token for a user/group.
* Properties:
* FullDelegation <- permits full delegation of tokens
* LimitedDelegation <- permits downloading only limited tokens
* PrivateLimitedDelegation <- permits downloading only limited tokens for one self
:param username: user name
:param userGroup: user group
:param scope: requested scope
:param audience: requested audience
:param identityProvider: Identity Provider name
:param requiredTimeLeft: requested minimum life time
:return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR()
# Get an IdProvider Client instance
result = getIdProviderClient(userGroup, identityProvider)
if not result["OK"]:
return result
idpObj = result["Value"]

# getCachedKey is just used here to resolve the default scopes
_, scope, *_ = getCachedKey(idpObj, username, userGroup, scope, audience)

# A client token is requested
if not username:
result = self.__checkProperties("", "")
if not result["OK"]:
return result

# Get the client token with requested scope and audience
result = idpObj.fetchToken(grant_type="client_credentials", scope=scope, audience=audience)
# DEncode can not encode OAuth2Token object
if result["OK"]:
result["Value"] = dict(result["Value"])

return result

# A user token is requested
err = []
# No luck so far, let's refresh the token stored in the database
result = Registry.getDNForUsername(username)
if not result["OK"]:
return result
for dn in result["Value"]:
# For backward compatibility, the user ID is written as DN. So let's check if this DN contains a user ID
result = Registry.getIDFromDN(dn)
if result["OK"]:
uid = result["Value"]
# To do this, first find the refresh token stored in the database with the maximum scope
result = self.__tokenDB.getTokenForUserProvider(uid,
if result["OK"] and result["Value"]:
tokens = result["Value"]
result = self.__checkProperties(dn, userGroup)
if result["OK"]:
# refresh token with requested scope
result = idpObj.refreshToken(tokens.get("refresh_token"), group=userGroup, scope=scope)
if result["OK"]:
return result
# Did not find any token associated with the found user ID
err.append(result.get("Message", f"No token found for {uid}"))
# Collect all errors when trying to get a token, or if no user ID is registered
return S_ERROR("; ".join(err or [f"No user ID found for {username}"]))

types_deleteToken = [str]

def export_deleteToken(self, userDN: str):
"""Delete a token from the DB
:param userDN: user DN
:return: S_OK()/S_ERROR()

# temporary ugly stuff to make it compliant with proxy management
userDN = f"/O=DIRAC/CN={userDN}"

# Delete it from cache
credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
if Properties.PROXY_MANAGEMENT not in credDict["properties"]:
if userDN != credDict["DN"]:
return S_ERROR("You aren't allowed!")
result = Registry.getIDFromDN(userDN)
return self.__tokenDB.removeToken(user_id=result["Value"]) if result["OK"] else result

types_getTokensByUserID = [str]

def export_getTokensByUserID(self, userID: str):
"""Retrieve a token from the DB
:param userID: user's token id
:return: S_OK(list)/S_ERROR() token row in dict format
return self.__tokenDB.getTokensByUserID(userID)

class TokenManagerHandler(TokenManagerHandlerMixin, RequestHandler):

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