Script for listening to traffic on a GPIO port, specifically I2C.
Set of scripts used for debugging the I2C interface by logging the GPIO ports and generating a plot of the SDA and SCL. program for dumping GPIO state changes to a file. More info in script. parses the data and plots as a SVG file. More info in script. run all the commands.
For monitoring i2c: -Ran wires from a pair of GPIO ports through 10k resistors to the SDA and SCL. -Edited and ran the script which would run two simultaneously, one for each port, then while they are capturing data run whichever script communicating with i2c. Once captured, data would be plotted using
Notes: -had used ~12" of twisted pair from and ethernet cable to go from resistors to GPIO ports. This turned out to be a mistake and could see what appeared to be crosstalk from the rising on the SCL line as a 10us pulse on the SDA line. Changed to a non-twisted pair and had no more issue.