Web application developed for the challenge of NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2022
- Show ground stations on the Earth.
- Show the visible range of the ISS (link-availability).
- Visualize the track of the ISS (past & future).
- Time-travel to any moment and see the calculated position.
- Rotate the ISS according to the position of the Sun.
- Visualize the debris in the space, and mark the closet one to the ISS.
- Double click to focus on the ISS.
- The ISS moves all the time.
- Press the "Toggle Ground Stations" button (right bottom) to show or hide ISS ground stations.
- Press the "Toggle Debris" button (right bottom) to show or hide debris around earth.
- Drag the timeline bar and press the date button to set the time and date of the tracker.
- Press the "Set to current time" to set to current time.
- Double click anywhere to center the ISS.
- Scroll up and down to zoom in and out.
- Left click and drag to spin the earth.
- Right click and drag to adjust the view angle.
- Yello track indicates the track the ISS passed.
- White track indicates the pridicted track.
- The cap below the ISS is the visible range of the ISS (link-availability).
- The white text on the left shows information of the ISS.
Blender (https://www.blender.org/)
Web WorldWind.js (https://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/web/)
- ISS 3D model (https://nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/detail/iss-6628)
ISS TLE (https://live.ariss.org/tle/)
Debris TLE (https://www.space-track.org/documentation#/api)