Sidekiq integration for Capistrano
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano-sidekiq', github: 'seuros/capistrano-sidekiq'
gem 'capistrano-sidekiq', group: :development
And then execute:
$ bundle
# Capfile
require 'capistrano/sidekiq'
require 'capistrano/sidekiq/monit' #to require monit tasks # Only for capistrano3
Configurable options, shown here with defaults:
:sidekiq_default_hooks => true
:sidekiq_pid => File.join(shared_path, 'tmp', 'pids', '')
:sidekiq_env => fetch(:rack_env, fetch(:rails_env, fetch(:stage)))
:sidekiq_log => File.join(shared_path, 'log', 'sidekiq.log')
:sidekiq_options => nil
:sidekiq_require => nil
:sidekiq_tag => nil
:sidekiq_config => nil
:sidekiq_queue => nil
:sidekiq_timeout => 10
:sidekiq_role => :app
:sidekiq_processes => 1
:sidekiq_options_per_process => nil
:sidekiq_concurrency => nil
:sidekiq_monit_templates_path => 'config/deploy/templates'
:sidekiq_monit_use_sudo => true
:sidekiq_cmd => "#{fetch(:bundle_cmd, "bundle")} exec sidekiq" # Only for capistrano2.5
:sidekiqctl_cmd => "#{fetch(:bundle_cmd, "bundle")} exec sidekiqctl" # Only for capistrano2.5
There is a known bug that prevents sidekiq from starting when pty is true on Capistrano 3.
set :pty, false
You can configure sidekiq to start with multiple processes. Just set the proper amount in sidekiq_processes
You can also customize the configuration for every process. If you want to do that, just set
with an array of the configuration options that you want in string format.
This example should boot the first process with the queue high
and the second one with the queues default
and low
set :sidekiq_options_per_process, ["--queue high", "--queue default --queue low"]
You can configure how many processes you want to run on each host next way:
set :sidekiq_role, [:sidekiq_small, :sidekiq_big]
set :sidekiq_small_processes, 1
set :sidekiq_big_processes, 4
server '', roles: [:sidekiq_small]
server '', roles: [:sidekiq_big]
If you need change some config in redactor, you can
bundle exec rails generate capistrano:sidekiq:monit:template
If your deploy user has no need in sudo
for using monit, you can disable it as follows:
set :sidekiq_monit_use_sudo, false
- 0.5.4: Add support for custom count of processes per host in monit task @okoriko
- 0.5.3: Custom count of processes per each host
- 0.5.0: Multiple processes @mrsimo
- 0.3.9: Restore daemon flag from Monit template
- 0.3.8: * Update monit template: use su instead of sudo / permit all Sidekiq options @bensie * Unmonitor monit while deploy @Saicheg
- 0.3.7: * fix capistrano2 task @tribble * Run Sidekiq as daemon from Monit @dpaluy
- 0.3.5: Added :sidekiq_tag for capistrano2 @OscarBarrett
- 0.3.4: fix bug in sidekiq:start for capistrano 2 task
- 0.3.3: sidekiq:restart after deploy:restart added to default hooks
- 0.3.2: :sidekiq_queue accept an array
- 0.3.1: Fix logs @rottman, add concurrency option support @ungsophy
- 0.3.0: Fix monit task @andreygerasimchuk
- 0.2.9: Check if current directory exist @alexdunae
- 0.2.8: Added :sidekiq_queue & :sidekiq_config
- 0.2.7: Signal usage @penso
- 0.2.6: sidekiq:start check if sidekiq is running
- 0.2.5: bug fixes
- 0.2.4: Fast deploy with :sidekiq_run_in_background
- 0.2.3: Added monit tasks (alpha)
- 0.2.0: Added sidekiq:rolling_restart - @jlecour
- [Jérémy Lecour] (
- [Fabien Penso] (
- [Alex Dunae] (
- [andreygerasimchuk] (
- [Saicheg] (
- [Alex Yakubenko] (
- [Robert Strobl] (
- [Eurico Doirado] (
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