This php script allows easy using of the Bukkit plugin Votifier
master-branch (alias stable, latest)
develop-branch (alias nightly)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The full documentation can be found here.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- PHP Project (PHP 7.1+)
- Minecraft server with the Votifier plugin
Add the client using Composer.
composer require d3strukt0r/votifier-client
Simply create an object with all information
For the servers with the classic Votifier plugins:
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Server\Votifier;
$server = (new Votifier())
For the servers which use the NuVotifier plugin (v1 protocol) (HINT: It's NOT the same as method 1):
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Server\NuVotifier;
$server = (new NuVotifier())
For the servers which use the NuVotifier plugin with v2 protocol:
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Server\NuVotifier;
$server = (new NuVotifier())
Finally, just send it.
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NotVotifierException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierChallengeInvalidException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierSignatureInvalidException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierUnknownServiceException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierUsernameTooLongException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\Socket\NoConnectionException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\Socket\PackageNotReceivedException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\Socket\PackageNotSentException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Server\ServerInterface;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Vote\ClassicVote;
$vote = (new ClassicVote())
->setServiceName('Your vote list')
try {
/** @var ServerInterface $server */
// Connection created, and vote sent. Doesn't mean the server handled it correctly, but the client did.
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// Not all variables that are needed have been set. See $e->getMessage() for all errors.
} catch (NoConnectionException $e) {
// Could not create a connection (socket) to the specified server
} catch (PackageNotReceivedException $e) {
// If the package couldn't be received, for whatever reason.
} catch (PackageNotSentException $e) {
// If the package couldn't be send, for whatever reason.
} catch (NotVotifierException $e) {
// The server didn't give a standard Votifier response
} catch (NuVotifierChallengeInvalidException $e) {
// Specific for NuVotifier: The challenge was invalid (Shouldn't happen by default, but it's here in case).
} catch (NuVotifierSignatureInvalidException $e) {
// Specific for NuVotifier: The signature was invalid (Shouldn't happen by default, but it's here in case).
} catch (NuVotifierUnknownServiceException $e) {
// Specific for NuVotifier: A token can be specific for a list, so if the list isn't supposed to use the given token, this message appears.
} catch (NuVotifierUsernameTooLongException $e) {
// Specific for NuVotifier: A username cannot be over 16 characters (Why? Don't ask me)
} catch (NuVotifierException $e) {
// In case there is a new error message that wasn't added to the library, this will take care of that.
Explain how to run the automated tests for this system
Run test scripts
To check if the code follows the PSR-12 standard, the library PHP_CodeSniffer has been add to the development environment, but you can also download it separately from here and here.
To see what mistakes exist in the code run:
To fix the code:
This library already comes with php-cs-fixer
but because it's impossible to set it up to follow the PSR-12 standard, it's not a requirement anymore. It's been left in the project only for additional styling information that might be applied. It can also be downloaded separately from
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --dry-run -v
Install Python v3 from here.
Install Sphinx
as documented here.
pip install -U sphinx
To build the docs:
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html
You can also create a documentation with phpDocumentor. For that please downloaded at least v3+ for to work from here. And then you can just run it
curl -fsSL -o /usr/local/bin/phpdoc
- PHP - Programming Language
- Composer - Dependency Management
- PHPUnit - Testing the code
- Github Actions - Automatic CI (Testing)
- Read the docs - Documentation
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Manuele Vaccari - D3strukt0r - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc