This module contains common functions that are used in DSC resources.
This project has adopted this Code of Conduct.
For each merge to the branch main
a preview release will be
deployed to PowerShell Gallery.
Periodically a release version tag will be pushed which will deploy a
full release to PowerShell Gallery.
Please check out common DSC Community contributing guidelines.
See the article DscResource.Common functions in a DSC module describing how to convert a DSC resource module to use DscResource.Common.
Refer to the comment-based help for more information about these helper functions.
This command asserts passed parameters. It takes a hashtable, normally
. There are two parameter sets for this command.
Asserts that a specified set of parameters are not passed together with another set of parameters.
There is no built in logic to validate against parameters sets for DSC so this can be used instead to validate the parameters that were set in the configuration.
Assert that required parameters has been specified, and throws an exception if not.
Assert-BoundParameter -BoundParameterList <hashtable> -MutuallyExclusiveList1 <string[]> -MutuallyExclusiveList2 <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]
Assert-BoundParameter -BoundParameterList <hashtable> -RequiredParameter <string[]> [-IfParameterPresent <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
$assertBoundParameterParameters = @{
BoundParameterList = $PSBoundParameters
MutuallyExclusiveList1 = @(
MutuallyExclusiveList2 = @(
Assert-BoundParameter @assertBoundParameterParameters
This example throws an exception if $PSBoundParameters
contains both
the parameters Parameter1
and Parameter2
Assert-BoundParameter -BoundParameterList $PSBoundParameters -RequiredParameter @('PBStartPortRange', 'PBEndPortRange')
Throws an exception if either of the two parameters are not specified.
Assert-BoundParameter -BoundParameterList $PSBoundParameters -RequiredParameter @('Property2', 'Property3') -IfParameterPresent @('Property1')
Throws an exception if the parameter 'Property1' is specified and either of the required parameters are not.
Assert that the user has elevated the PowerShell session.
will throw a statement-terminating error if the
script is not run from an elevated session.
Assert-ElevatedUser [<CommonParameters>]
`Assert-ElevatedUser -ErrorAction 'Stop'`
This example stops the entire script if it is not run from an elevated PowerShell session.
Asserts if the IP Address is valid and optionally validates the IP Address against an Address Family
Assert-IPAddress [-Address] <string> [[-AddressFamily] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Assert-IPAddress -Address ''
This will assert that the supplied address is a valid IPv4 address. If it is not an exception will be thrown.
Assert-IPAddress -Address 'fe80:ab04:30F5:002b::1'
This will assert that the supplied address is a valid IPv6 address. If it is not an exception will be thrown.
Assert-IPAddress -Address 'fe80:ab04:30F5:002b::1' -AddressFamily 'IPv6'
This will assert that address is valid and that it matches the supplied address family. If the supplied address family does not match the address an exception will be thrown.
Assert if the specific module is available to be imported and optionally import the module.
Assert-Module [-ModuleName] <string> [-ImportModule] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]
Assert-Module -ModuleName 'DhcpServer'
This will assert that the module DhcpServer is available. If it is not an exception will be thrown.
Assert-Module -ModuleName 'DhcpServer' -ImportModule
This will assert that the module DhcpServer is available and that it has been imported into the session. If the module is not available an exception will be thrown.
Assert-Module -ModuleName 'DhcpServer' -ImportModule -Force
This will assert that the module DhcpServer is available and it will be forcibly imported into the session (even if it was already in the session). If the module is not available an exception will be thrown.
Compare current against desired property state for any DSC resource and return a collection psobject with the metadata from the comparison.
The content of the function Test-DscParameterState
has been extracted and now
is just calling Compare-DscParameterState
This function can be used in a DSC resource from the Get function/method.
Compare-DscParameterState [-CurrentValues] <Object> [-DesiredValues] <Object>
[[-Properties] <string[]>] [[-ExcludeProperties] <string[]>] [-TurnOffTypeChecking]
[-ReverseCheck] [-SortArrayValues] [-IncludeInDesiredState] [-IncludeValue] [<CommonParameters>]
Returns an array containing a PSObject with metadata for each property that was evaluated.
Metadata Name | Type | Description |
Property | [System.String] |
The name of the property that was evaluated |
InDesiredState | [System.Boolean] |
Returns $true if the expected and actual value was equal. |
ExpectedType | [System.String] |
Return the type of desired object. |
ActualType | [System.String] |
Return the type of current object. |
ExpectedValue | [System.PsObject] |
Return the value of expected object. |
ActualValue | [System.PsObject] |
Return the value of current object. |
$currentValues = @{
String = 'This is a string'
Int = 1
Bool = $true
$desiredValues = @{
String = 'This is a string'
Int = 99
Compare-DscParameterState -CurrentValues $currentValues -DesiredValues $desiredValues
Name Value
---- -----
Property Int
InDesiredState False
ExpectedType System.Int32
ActualType System.Int32
The function Compare-DscParameterState compare the value of each hashtable based on the keys present in $desiredValues hashtable. The result indicates that Int property is not in the desired state. No information about Bool property, because it is not in $desiredValues hashtable.
$currentValues = @{
String = 'This is a string'
Int = 1
Bool = $true
$desiredValues = @{
String = 'This is a string'
Int = 99
Bool = $false
$excludeProperties = @('Bool')
Compare-DscParameterState `
-CurrentValues $currentValues `
-DesiredValues $desiredValues `
-ExcludeProperties $ExcludeProperties
Name Value
---- -----
Property Int
InDesiredState False
ExpectedType System.Int32
ActualType System.Int32
The function Compare-DscParameterState compare the value of each hashtable based on the keys present in $desiredValues hashtable and without those in $excludeProperties. The result indicates that Int property is not in the desired state. No information about Bool property, because it is in $excludeProperties.
$serviceParameters = @{
Name = $Name
$returnValue = Compare-DscParameterState `
-CurrentValues (Get-Service @serviceParameters) `
-DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters `
-Properties @(
This compares the values in the current state against the desires state. The command Get-Service is called using just the required parameters to get the values in the current state. The parameter 'Properties' is used to specify the properties 'Name','Status' and 'StartType' for the comparison.
Compare current and desired property state for any DSC resource and return a hashtable with the metadata from the comparison.
This introduces a new design pattern that is used to evaluate current and
desired state in a DSC resource. This cmdlet is meant to be used in a DSC
resource from both Test and Set. The evaluation is made in Set
to make sure to only change the properties that are not in the desired state.
Properties that are in the desired state should not be changed again. This
design pattern also handles when the cmdlet Invoke-DscResource
is called
with the method Set
, which with this design pattern will evaluate the
properties correctly.
See the other design pattern that uses the cmdlet Test-DscParameterState
Compare-ResourcePropertyState [-CurrentValues] <hashtable> [-DesiredValues] <hashtable>
[[-Properties] <string[]>] [[-IgnoreProperties] <string[]>]
[[-CimInstanceKeyProperties] <hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
Returns an array containing a hashtable with metadata for each property that was evaluated.
Metadata Name | Type | Description |
ParameterName | [System.String] |
The name of the property that was evaluated |
Expected | The type of the property | The desired value for the property |
Actual | The type of the property | The actual current value for the property |
InDesiredState | [System.Boolean] |
Returns $true if the expected and actual value was equal. |
$compareTargetResourceStateParameters = @{
CurrentValues = (Get-TargetResource $PSBoundParameters)
DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters
$propertyState = Compare-ResourcePropertyState @compareTargetResourceStateParameters
$propertiesNotInDesiredState = $propertyState.Where({ -not $_.InDesiredState })
This example calls Compare-ResourcePropertyState with the current state
and the desired state and returns a hashtable array of all the properties
that was evaluated based on the properties pass in the parameter DesiredValues.
Finally it sets a parameter $propertiesNotInDesiredState
that contain
an array with all properties not in desired state.
$compareTargetResourceStateParameters = @{
CurrentValues = (Get-TargetResource $PSBoundParameters)
DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters
Properties = @(
$propertyState = Compare-ResourcePropertyState @compareTargetResourceStateParameters
$false -in $propertyState.InDesiredState
This example calls Compare-ResourcePropertyState with the current state
and the desired state and returns a hashtable array with just the property
as that was the only property that was to be evaluated.
Finally it checks if $false
is present in the array property InDesiredState
$compareTargetResourceStateParameters = @{
CurrentValues = (Get-TargetResource $PSBoundParameters)
DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters
IgnoreProperties = @(
$propertyState = Compare-ResourcePropertyState @compareTargetResourceStateParameters
This example calls Compare-ResourcePropertyState with the current state
and the desired state and returns a hashtable array of all the properties
except the property Property1
$compareTargetResourceStateParameters = @{
CurrentValues = (Get-TargetResource $PSBoundParameters)
DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters
CimInstanceKeyProperties = @{
ResourceProperty1 = @(
$propertyState = Compare-ResourcePropertyState @compareTargetResourceStateParameters
This example calls Compare-ResourcePropertyState with the current state
and the desired state and have a property ResourceProperty1
who's value
is an array of embedded CIM instances. The key property for the CIM instances
are CimProperty1
. The CIM instance key property CimProperty1
is used
to get the unique CIM instance object to compare against from both the current
state and the desired state.
This function is used to convert a hashtable into MSFT_KeyValuePair objects. These are stored as an CimInstance array. DSC cannot handle hashtables but CimInstances arrays storing MSFT_KeyValuePair.
ConvertTo-CimInstance -Hashtable <hashtable> [<CommonParameters>]
ConvertTo-CimInstance -Hashtable @{
String = 'a string'
Bool = $true
Int = 99
Array = 'a, b, c'
This example returns an CimInstance with the provided hashtable values.
This function is used to convert a CimInstance array containing MSFT_KeyValuePair objects into a hashtable.
ConvertTo-HashTable -CimInstance <Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]>
$newInstanceParameters = @{
ClassName = 'MSFT_KeyValuePair'
Namespace = 'root/microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'
ClientOnly = $true
$cimInstance = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] (
(New-CimInstance @newInstanceParameters -Property @{
Key = 'FirstName'
Value = 'John'
(New-CimInstance @newInstanceParameters -Property @{
Key = 'LastName'
Value = 'Smith'
ConvertTo-HashTable -CimInstance $cimInstance
This creates a array om CimInstances of the class name MSFT_KeyValuePair and passes it to ConvertTo-HashTable which returns a hashtable.
A common function to find certificates based on multiple search filters, including, but not limited to: Thumbprint, Friendly Name, DNS Names, Key Usage, Issuers, etc.
Locates one or more certificates using the passed certificate selector parameters.
If more than one certificate is found matching the selector criteria, they will be returned in order of descending expiration date.
Find-Certificate [[-Thumbprint] <String>] [[-FriendlyName] <String>]
[[-Subject] <String>] [[-DNSName] <String[]>] [[-Issuer] <String>]
[[-KeyUsage] <String[]>] [[-EnhancedKeyUsage] <String[]>] [[-Store] <String>]
[[-AllowExpired] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-Certificate -Thumbprint '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
Return certificate that matches thumbprint.
Find-Certificate -KeyUsage 'DataEncipherment', 'DigitalSignature'
Return certificate(s) that have specific key usage.
Find-Certificate -DNSName '', ''
Return certificate(s) filtered on specific DNS Names.
find-certificate -Subject 'CN=contoso, DC=com'
Return certificate(s) with specific subject.
find-certificate -Issuer 'CN=contoso-ca, DC=com' -AllowExpired $true
Return all certificates from specific issuer, including expired certificates.
$findCertSplat = @{
EnhancedKeyUsage = @('Client authentication','Server Authentication')
AllowExpired = $true
Find-Certificate @findCertSplat
Return all certificates that can be used for server or client authentication, including expired certificates.
Find-Certificate -FriendlyName 'My SSL Cert'
Return certificate based on FriendlyName.
Returns the computer name cross-plattform. The variable $env:COMPUTERNAME
does not exist cross-platform which hinders development and testing on
macOS and Linux. Instead this cmdlet can be used to get the computer name
Get-ComputerName [<CommonParameters>]
$computerName = Get-ComputerName
Returns DSC resource properties that is part of a class-based DSC resource. The properties can be filtered using name, attribute, or if it has been assigned a non-null value.
Get-DscProperty [-InputObject] <PSObject> [[-Name] <String[]>] [[-ExcludeName] <String[]>] [[-Attribute] <String[]>] [-HasValue] [<CommonParameters>]
This command only works with nullable data types, if using a non-nullable
type make sure to make it nullable, e.g. [Nullable[System.Int32]]
Get-DscProperty -InputObject $this
Returns all DSC resource properties of the DSC resource.
$this | Get-DscProperty
Returns all DSC resource properties of the DSC resource.
Get-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Name @('MyProperty1', 'MyProperty2')
Returns the DSC resource properties with the specified names.
Get-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Attribute @('Mandatory', 'Optional')
Returns the DSC resource properties that has the specified attributes.
Get-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Attribute @('Optional') -HasValue
Returns the DSC resource properties that has the specified attributes and has a non-null value assigned.
Returns the value from an environment variable from a specified target.
Get-EnvironmentVariable [-Name] <String> [[-FromTarget] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
This command returns $null
if the environment variable does not exist.
Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'PSModulePath'
Returns the value for the environment variable PSModulePath.
Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'PSModulePath' -FromTarget 'Machine'
Returns the value for the environment variable PSModulePath from the Machine target.
Returns the environment variable PSModulePath from the specified target. If more than one target is provided the return will contain all the concatenation of all unique paths from the targets.
Get-PSModulePath [-FromTarget] <String[]> [<CommonParameters>]
If there are no paths to return the command will return an empty string.
Get-PSModulePath -FromTarget 'Session'
Returns the paths from the Session target.
Get-PSModulePath -FromTarget 'Session', 'User', 'Machine'
Returns the unique paths from the all targets.
Gets language-specific data into scripts and functions based on the UI culture that is selected for the operating system. Similar to Import-LocalizedData, with extra parameter 'DefaultUICulture'.
Get-LocalizedData [[-BindingVariable] <string>] [[-DefaultUICulture] <string>] [-BaseDirectory <string>]
[-FileName <string>] [-SupportedCommand <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-LocalizedData [[-BindingVariable] <string>] [[-UICulture] <string>] [-BaseDirectory <string>]
[-FileName <string>] [-SupportedCommand <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Optionally the Get-LocalizedData
saves the hash table in the variable
that is specified by the value of the BindingVariable
This should preferably be used at the top of each resource PowerShell module script file (.psm1).
It will automatically look for a file in the folder for the current UI culture, or default to the UI culture folder 'en-US'.
The localized strings file can be named either <ScriptFileName>.psd1
e.g. DSC_MyResource.psd1
, or suffixed with strings
, e.g.
Read more about localization in the section Localization in the DSC Community style guideline.
$script:resourceHelperModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\DscResource.Common'
Import-Module -Name $script:resourceHelperModulePath
$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US'
Returns the path of the current user's temporary folder.
Get-TemporaryFolder [<CommonParameters>]
Examples of what the cmdlet returns:
- Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\
- macOS: /var/folders/6x/thq2xce46bc84lr66fih2p5h0000gn/T/
- Linux: /tmp/
Join-Path -Path (Get-TemporaryFolder) -ChildPath 'MyTempFile`
Creates and throws an invalid argument exception.
New-InvalidArgumentException [-Message] <string> [-ArgumentName] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
if ( -not $resultOfEvaluation )
$errorMessage = `
$script:localizedData.ActionCannotBeUsedInThisContextMessage `
-f $Action, $Parameter
New-InvalidArgumentException -ArgumentName 'Action' -Message $errorMessage
Creates and throws an invalid data exception.
New-InvalidDataException [-ErrorId] <string> [-ErrorMessage] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
if ( -not $resultOfEvaluation )
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.InvalidData -f $Action
New-InvalidDataException -ErrorId 'InvalidDataError' -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
Creates and throws an invalid operation exception.
New-InvalidOperationException [-Message] <string> [[-ErrorRecord] <ErrorRecord>] [<CommonParameters>]
Start-Process @startProcessArguments
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.InstallationFailedMessage -f $Path, $processId
New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
Creates and throws an invalid result exception.
New-InvalidResultException [-Message] <string> [[-ErrorRecord] <ErrorRecord>] [<CommonParameters>]
$numberOfObjects = Get-ChildItem -Path $path
if ($numberOfObjects -eq 0)
throw 'To few files.'
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.TooFewFilesMessage -f $path
New-InvalidResultException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
Creates and throws an not implemented exception.
New-NotImplementedException [-Message] <string> [[-ErrorRecord] <ErrorRecord>] [<CommonParameters>]
if ($runFeature)
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.FeatureMissing -f $path
New-NotImplementedException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
Creates and throws an object not found exception.
New-ObjectNotFoundException [-Message] <String> [[-ErrorRecord] <ErrorRecord>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ChildItem -Path $path
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.PathNotFoundMessage -f $path
New-ObjectNotFoundException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
This function serves the purpose of removing common parameters and option common parameters from a parameter hashtable.
Remove-CommonParameter [-Hashtable] <hashtable> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-CommonParameter -Hashtable $PSBoundParameters
Returns a new hashtable without the common and optional common parameters.
Set the DSC reboot required status variable.
Set-DscMachineRebootRequired [<CommonParameters>]
Sets the $global:DSCMachineStatus variable to 1.
This is a wrapper to set environment variable PSModulePath in the current session or machine wide.
Set-PSModulePath [-Path] <String> [-Machine] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-PSModulePath -Path '<Path 1>;<Path 2>'
Sets the session environment variable PSModulePath
to the specified path
or paths (separated with semi-colons).
Set-PSModulePath -Path '<Path 1>;<Path 2>' -Machine
Sets the machine environment variable PSModulePath
to the specified path
or paths (separated with semi-colons).
Returns whether the specified account require a password to be provided. If the account is a (global) managed service account, virtual account, or a built-in account then there is no need to provide a password.
Test-AccountRequirePassword [-Name] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Test-AccountRequirePassword -Name 'DOMAIN\MySqlUser'
Returns $true as a user account need a password.
Test-AccountRequirePassword -Name 'DOMAIN\MyMSA$'
Returns $false as a manged service account does not need a password.
Test-AccountRequirePassword -Name 'NT SERVICE\MSSQL$PAYROLL'
Returns $false as a virtual account does not need a password.
This function is used to compare the values in the current state against the desired values for any DSC resource.
This cmdlet was designed to be used in a DSC resource from only Test.
The design pattern that uses the cmdlet Test-DscParameterState
assumes that
LCM is used which always calls Test before Set, or that there never
is a need to evaluate the state in Set.
A new design pattern was introduces that uses the cmdlet Compare-ResourcePropertyState
Test-DscParameterState [-CurrentValues] <Object> [-DesiredValues] <Object>
[-Properties] <string[]> [[-ExcludeProperties] <string[]>]
[-TurnOffTypeChecking] [-ReverseCheck] [-SortArrayValues]
$currentState = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters
$returnValue = Test-DscParameterState -CurrentValues $currentState -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters
The function Get-TargetResource
is called first using all bound parameters
to get the values in the current state. The result is then compared to the
desired state by calling Test-DscParameterState
$getTargetResourceParameters = @{
ServerName = $ServerName
InstanceName = $InstanceName
Name = $Name
$returnValue = Test-DscParameterState `
-CurrentValues (Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters) `
-DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters `
-ExcludeProperties @(
$getTargetResourceParameters = @{
ServerName = $ServerName
InstanceName = $InstanceName
Name = $Name
$returnValue = Test-DscParameterState `
-CurrentValues (Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters) `
-DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters `
-Properties ServerName, Name
This compares the values in the current state against the desires state.
The function Get-TargetResource
is called using just the required parameters
to get the values in the current state.
Tests whether the class-based resource has the specified property, and can optionally tests if the property has a certain attribute or whether it is assigned a non-null value.
Test-DscProperty [-InputObject] <psobject> [-Name] <string> [[-Attribute] {Key | Mandatory | NotConfigurable | Optional}] [-HasValue] [<CommonParameters>]
This command only works with nullable data types, if using a non-nullable
type make sure to make it nullable, e.g. [Nullable[System.Int32]]
Test-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Name 'MyDscProperty'
Returns $true
or $false
whether the property exist or not.
$this | Test-DscProperty -Name 'MyDscProperty'
Returns $true
or $false
whether the property exist or not.
Test-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Name 'MyDscProperty' -HasValue
Returns $true
if the property exist and is assigned a non-null value, if not
is returned.
Test-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Name 'MyDscProperty' -Attribute 'Optional'
Returns $true
if the property exist and is an optional property.
Test-DscProperty -InputObject $this -Name 'MyDscProperty' -Attribute 'Optional' -HasValue
Returns $true
if the property exist, is an optional property, and is
assigned a non-null value.
This function tests if the current OS is a Nano server.
Test-IsNanoServer [<CommonParameters>]
if ((Test-IsNanoServer)) {
'Nano server'
Returns whether the specified object is of a numeric type:
- [System.Byte]
- [System.Int16]
- [System.Int32]
- [System.Int64]
- [System.SByte]
- [System.UInt16]
- [System.UInt32]
- [System.UInt64]
- [System.Decimal]
- [System.Double]
- [System.Single]
Test-IsNumericType [[-Object] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Test-IsNumericType -Object ([System.UInt32] 3)
Returns $true
since the value is a numeric type.
([System.String] 'a') | Test-IsNumericType
Returns $false
since the value is not a numeric type.
('a', 2, 'b') | Test-IsNumericType
Returns $true
since one of the values passed in the pipeline is of a
numeric type.