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Jellystat is a free and open source Statistics App for Jellyfin! (This project is still in development - expect some weirdness)

Current Features

  • Session Monitoring and logging
  • Statistics for all Libraries and Users
  • Watch History
  • User Overview and activity
  • Watch statisitcs
  • Backup and restore Data
  • Auto sync library items
  • Jellyfin Statistics Plugin Integration

Required Development

  • Responsive UI
  • Code Optimizations
  • Security Testing
  • More Validations and Error Handling
  • Multi-Server support
  • More to come

Environmental Variables

Env Default Example Description
POSTGRES_USER REQUIRED null postgres Username that will be used in postgres database
POSTGRES_PASSWORD REQUIRED null postgres Password that will be used in postgres database
POSTGRES_IP REQUIRED null jellystat-db or Hostname/IP of postgres instance
POSTGRES_PORT REQUIRED null 5432 Port Postgres is running on
JWT_SECRET REQUIRED null my-secret-jwt-key JWT Key to be used to encrypt JWT tokens for authentication
JS_BASE_URL / / Base url
JS_USER null User Master Override User in case username or password used during setup is forgotten (Both JS_USER and JS_PASSWORD required to work)
JS_PASSWORD null Password Master Override Password in case username or password used during setup is forgotten (Both JS_USER and JS_PASSWORD required to work)
POSTGRES_DB jfstat jfstat Name of postgres database
REJECT_SELF_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES true false Allow or deny self signed SSL certificates
JS_GEOLITE_ACCOUNT_ID null 123456 user id to be used for Geolocating IP Addresses (Can be found at
JS_GEOLITE_LICENSE_KEY null ASDWdaSdawe2sd186 License key you need to generate on maxmind to use their services

Getting Started with Development

  • Clone the project from git
  • set your env variables before strating the server (Variable names as per Environmental Variables above).
  • Run npm install to install necessary packages
  • Run npm run start-server to only run the backend nodejs server
  • Run npm run start-client to only run the frontend React UI
  • Run npm run start-app to run both backend and frontend at the same time

When contributing please ensure to log a pull request on the unstable branch

Launching Jellystat using Docker

Check out our dockerhub to run Jellystat:

Environment variables from files (Docker secrets)

You can set any environment variable from a file by using the prefix FILE__

As an example:

    FILE__MYVAR: /run/secrets/MYSECRETFILE

Will set the environment variable MYVAR based on the contents of the /run/secrets/MYSECRETFILE file. see docker secrets for more info.



API Documentation
