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Ansible Galaxy Test Status

This role will eventually be able to be used to completely configure an iRODS server once iRODS is installed. At the moment, it can maintain the following configuration files.

  • irods_environment.json
  • etc/irods/host_access_control_config.json
  • etc/irods/hosts_config.json
  • etc/irods/server_config.json
  • etc/irods/service_account.config


iRODS 4.2.8 is installed.

Tasks Files

The main.yml tasks file that is called by default performs the same tasks as server.yml, i.e., it deploys the set of files required by an iRODS server.

There are two tier-specific tasks files. client.yml deploys the configuration files required by a client, e.g., the iCommands. Currently, it deploys the irods_environment.json file. server.yml deploys the configuration files required by an iRODS server.

For each iRODS configuration file there is a corresponding tasks file that deploys only that configuration file. irods_environment.yml deploys the client or clerver configuration file, irods_environment.json by default. In the etc/irods/ directory, host_access_control_config.yml deploys host_access_control_config.json, hosts_config.yml deploys hosts_config.json, server_config.yml deploys server_config.json, and service_account.yml deploys service_account.config.

The setup_irods.yml and init_zone_user.yml tasks files are not part of main.yml or either of the tier-specific tasks files. setup_irods.yml initializes the ICAT DB before calling server.yml, and init_zone_user.yml initializes the iRODS zone user on the inventory host.

Role Variables

Here are the role variables. None of them are required.

Variable Default Choices Comment
irods_cfg_access_entries [] A list of access entry objects defining who can access iRODS and from where, see below
irods_cfg_authentication_file /var/lib/irods/.irods/.irodsA the authentication file for the client or clerver
irods_cfg_catalog_provider_hosts [ localhost ] a list of FQDNs or IP addresses of the catalog service providers
irods_cfg_catalog_service_role provider consumer, provider the role of the iRODS server, a provider directly accesses the catalog database, a consumer does not
irods_cfg_client_default_hash_scheme irods_cfg_default_hash_scheme MD5, SHA256 checksum scheme for the client or clerver
irods_cfg_client_default_resource irods_cfg_default_resource_name but see comment the name of the resource used for client or clerver operations if one is not specified, on the clerver, if irods_cfg_default_resource_name is undefined, 'demoResc' will be used as the default.
irods_cfg_client_encryption_algorithm irods_cfg_server_control_plane_encryption_algorithm EVP-supplied encryption algorithm for parallel transfer
irods_cfg_client_encryption_key_size 32 key size for parallel transport encryption
irods_cfg_client_encryption_num_hash_rounds irods_cfg_server_control_plane_encryption_num_hash_rounds number of hash rounds for parallel transfer encryption
irods_cfg_client_encryption_salt_size 8 salt size for parallel transfer encryption
irods_cfg_client_server_negotiation request_server_negotiation none, request_server_negotiation whether or not advanced negotiation is desired for the client or clerver
irods_cfg_client_server_policy CS_NEG_DONT_CARE CS_NEG_DONT_CARE, CS_NEG_REFUSE, CS_NEG_REQUIRE which SSL policy for the client or clerver to use
irods_cfg_client_xmsg_port the port used by the XMessage server
irods_cfg_chown true whether or not to make the service account the owner of the generate files
irods_cfg_connection_pool_refresh_time 300 the number of seconds after which an existing connection in a connection pool is refreshed
irods_cfg_cwd irods_cfg_home the initial working collection for the admin user
irods_cfg_database_user_password_salt the salt used when obfuscating user passwords stored in the catalog database
irods_cfg_debug '' '' or any combination of 'CAT', 'RDA', and 'SQL' desired verbosity of the debug logging level for client or clerver. e.g., 'CATRDA' means include CAT and RDA debugging in debug log messages
irods_cfg_default_dir_mode 0750 the Unix file system octal permission mode for a newly created directory
irods_cfg_default_file_mode 0600 the Unix file system octal permission mode for a newly created file
irods_cfg_default_hash_scheme SHA256 MD5, SHA256 the hash scheme used for file integrity checking
irods_cfg_default_number_of_transfer_threads 4 the default maximum number of threads allowed for parallel transfer
irods_cfg_default_resource_directory the default Vault directory for the initial resource on server installation
irods_cfg_default_resource_name the name of the initial resource on server installation
irods_cfg_default_temporary_password_lifetime 120 the default number of seconds a server-side temporary password is valid
irods_cfg_environment_file home/irods_cfg_system_account_name/.irods/irods_environment.json but see comment the location where the iRODS environment file should be placed relative to irods_cfg_root_dir. For server configuration, the default is 'var/lib/irods/.irods/irods_environment.json'.
irods_cfg_environment_variables {} a set of environment variables to add to the server process environment
irods_cfg_federation [] an array of federation objects identifying the zones this zone federates with, see below
irods_cfg_for_server false but see comment whether or not a server is being configured. If the main or server tasks are run, this is forced to true. If the client tasks are run, this is forced to be false.
irods_cfg_gsi_server_dn null the distinguished name of the GSI server
irods_cfg_home /irods_cfg_zone_name/home/irods_cfg_zone_user the home collection of the admin user
irods_cfg_host ansible_inventory_name the fully qualified domain name of the server the client or clerver connects to
irods_cfg_host_entries [] an array of host entry objects grouping host names and addresses referring to the same host, see below
irods_cfg_icat The ICAT DB configuration object. See below. If the server being configured isn't an IES, this should be null.
irods_cfg_kerberos_name Kerberos distinguished name for KRB and GSI authentication
irods_cfg_log_level 5 1 - 10 desired verbosity of logging
irods_cfg_match_hash_policy compatible compatible, strict indicates to iRODS whether to use the hash used by the client or the data at rest, or to force the use of the default hash scheme
irods_cfg_maximum_number_of_concurrent_rule_engine_server_processes 4 the maximum number of rule engine processes to run
irods_cfg_maximum_size_for_single_buffer 32 the maximum size in mebibytes for a single buffer
irods_cfg_maximum_temporary_password_lifetime 1000 the maximum number of seconds a server-side temporary password can be valid
irods_cfg_negotiation_key TEMPORARY_32byte_negotiation_key a 32-byte encryption key shared by the zone for use in the advanced negotiation handshake at the beginning of an iRODS client connection
irods_cfg_pam_no_extend false, true, or null set PAM password lifetime: normally 8 hours, but extended is 2 weeks
irods_cfg_pam_password_length maximum length of a PAM password
irods_cfg_pam_password_max_time maximum allowed PAM password lifetime
irods_cfg_pam_password_min_time minimum allowed PAM password lifetime
irods_cfg_plugins_home directory to use for the client side plugins
irods_cfg_re_additional_data_variable_mappings [] an array of file names (without the .dvm extension) that will be loaded in order before core.dvm is loaded
irods_cfg_re_additional_function_name_mappings [] an array of file names (without the .fnm extension) that will be loaded in order before core.fnm is loaded
irods_cfg_re_additional_rulebases [] an array of file names (without the .re extension) that will be loaded in order before is loaded
irods_cfg_root_dir / The root directory where all depositions are relative to
irods_cfg_rule_engine_server_sleep_time 30 how frequently the rule engine polls for scheduled rules when idle in seconds
irods_cfg_schema_validation_base_uri a URI or 'off' the URI against which the iRODS server configuration is validated. 'off' means to skip validation
irods_cfg_server_control_plane_encryption_algorithm AES-256-CBC the algorithm used to encrypt control plane communications
irods_cfg_server_control_plane_encryption_num_hash_rounds 16 the number of hash rounds used in the control plane communications
irods_cfg_server_control_plane_key TEMPORARY__32byte_ctrl_plane_key the the encryption key required for communicating with the iRODS grid control plane, must be 32 bytes
irods_cfg_server_control_plane_port 1248 the port on which the control plane operates
irods_cfg_server_control_plane_timeout 10000 the number of milliseconds before control plane times out
irods_cfg_server_port_range_end 20199 the ending of the port range available for re-connections, parallel transfer and RBUDP transfer
irods_cfg_server_port_range_start 20000 the beginning of the port range available for re-connections, parallel transfer and RBUDP transfer
irods_cfg_ssl_ca_certificate_file location of a file of trusted CA certificates in PEM format
irods_cfg_ssl_ca_certificate_path location of a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format
irods_cfg_ssl_certificate_chain_file the file containing the server's certificate chain
irods_cfg_ssl_certificate_key_file private key corresponding to the server's certificate in the certificate chain file
irods_cfg_ssl_dh_params_file the Diffie-Hellman parameter file location
irods_cfg_ssl_verify_server hostname cert, hostname, none level of server certificate based authentication to perform
irods_cfg_system_account_name irods the account used to run iRODS
irods_cfg_system_group_name irods_cfg_system_account_name the group used to run iRODS
irods_cfg_transfer_buffer_size_for_parallel_transfer 4 the buffer size in mebibytes for parallel transfer
irods_cfg_transfer_chunk_size_for_parallel_transfer 40 the chunk size in mebibytes for parallel transfer
irods_cfg_validate true whether or not the configuration values should be validated when the configuration files are generated
irods_cfg_xmsg_host the host name of the XMessage server
irods_cfg_xmsg_port 1279 the port on which the XMessage server operates should it be enabled
irods_cfg_zone_auth_scheme native gsi, krb, native, pam the authentication scheme used by irods_cfg_zone_user
irods_cfg_zone_key TEMPORARY_zone_key the shared secret used for authentication and identification on server-to-server communication, it cannot contain hyphens (-)
irods_cfg_zone_name tempZone the name of the in which the server participates
irods_cfg_zone_password rods the password used to authenticate irods_cfg_zone_user.
irods_cfg_zone_port 1247 the main port used by the zone for communication
irods_cfg_zone_user rods the name of the rodsadmin user running this iRODS instance

The irods_cfg_access_entries variables is an array of access_entry objects. An access_entry object has the following fields, all of them required.

Field Choices Comments
address the IPv4 address of a host or network that is able to access
group the iRODS group able to access
mask the network mask when address is a network address
user the iRODS user able to access

The irods_cfg_environment_variables variable is a dictionary where the key is the name of a server process environment variable, and the value is the value of the environment variable.

The irods_cfg_federation variable is an array of federation objects. A federation object has the following fields, all of them required.

Field Choices Comments
catalog_provider_hosts a list of FQDNs or IP addresses of the catalog service providers in the federated zone
negotiation_key the 32-byte encryption key of the federated zone
zone_key the shared authentication secret with the federated zone
zone_name the name of the federated zone

The irods_cfg_host_entries variable is an array of host_entry objects. A host_entry object has the following fields, all of them required.

Field Choices Comments
address_type local, remote indicates if this host is localhost.
addresses an array of names and addresses referring to this host

The irods_cfg_icat variable is an icat object. An icat object has the following fields, none of them are required.

Field Default Choices Comments
catalog_database_type postgres mysql, oracle, postgres the type of database iRODS is using for the iCAT. see below
db_host localhost the hostname of the DBMS
db_name ICAT the name of the database used as the iCAT
db_password testpassword the password used by db_username to connect to db_name
db_port 5432 the port on which the database server is listening
db_username irods the database user name
odbc_driver null The ODBC driver to user, if null the driver will be automatically determined

For catalog_database_type, only postgres has been fully tested.

Facts Set

If any of the iRODS configuration files are changed, the fact irods_cfg_made_changes will be set to true.



Example Playbooks

# Client
- hosts: webdav
    irods_cfg_environment_file: etc/httpd/irods/irods_environment.json
    irods_cfg_authentication_file: /etc/httpd/irods/.irodsA
    irods_cfg_chown: false
    irods_cfg_zone_name: iplant
    irods_cfg_zone_user: davrods_svc
    irods_cfg_home: /iplant
    - include_role:
        name: cyverse-ansible.irods-cfg
        tasks_from: "{{ item }}"
        - client.yml
        - init_zone_user.yml

# Catalog Service Provider
- hosts: irods_catalog_provider
    - role: cyverse-ansible.irods-cfg
        irods_cfg_default_hash_scheme: MD5
        irods_cfg_default_number_of_transfer_threads: 16
        irods_cfg_default_resource_name: CyVerseRes
          - icat_host:
            negotiation_key: "Don't you wish!                !"
            zone_key: crack me
            zone_name: tacc
          - address_type: local
          db_password: secret
          db_username: icatuser
        irods_cfg_negotiation_key: Just guess it                  .
          - ipc_custom
        irods_cfg_server_control_plane_key: "I'm not telling                ."
        irods_cfg_server_port_range_end: 20399
        irods_cfg_transfer_buffer_size_for_parallel_transfer: 32
        irods_cfg_zone_key: secret
        irods_cfg_zone_name: iplant
        irods_cfg_zone_user: cyverse_admin

# Catalog Service Consumer Acting as a Resource Server
- hosts: irods_resource_server
    - role: cyverse-ansible.irods-cfg
        irods_cfg_default_hash_scheme: MD5
        irods_cfg_default_number_of_transfer_threads: 16
        irods_cfg_default_resource_directory: /f2/haboob
        irods_cfg_default_resource_name: haboobRes
        irods_cfg_negotiation_key: Just guess it                  .
          - ipc_custom
        irods_cfg_server_control_plane_key: "I'm not telling                ."
        irods_cfg_server_port_range_end: 20399
        irods_cfg_transfer_buffer_size_for_parallel_transfer: 32
        irods_cfg_zone_key: secret
        irods_cfg_zone_name: iplant
        irods_cfg_zone_user: has_admin


See license.

Author Information

Tony Edgin [email protected] CyVerse