Keras implementation for the research paper "Towards Open Set Deep Networks" A Bendale, T Boult, CVPR 2016
Original Implementation:
This repo has Keras wrapper for the above research paper. Full code plus ipython notebook is also avaliable.
jupyter notebook Softmax.ipynb
open notebook with nbviewer by clicking on this link
If you have any question feel free to create an issue.
- Step 1: Train a CNN model for the dataset you choice
- Step 2: Load the trained model
- Step 3: Load the training data you trained the DNN model
- Step 4: Create a mean activation vector (MAV) and perform weibull fit model
- Step 5: Pass the sample to compute openmax and evaluate the output from openmax, original label, and softmax
- Step 6: Test the trained openmax to images from different distribution