Releases: CrunchyData/crunchy-demo-data
This data is only the data for the fire scenario (weather and fire locations). You also have to:
create extension postgis
as a privlieged user in your DB BEFORE running the import below.
Since the fire data was too big to commit, only the dump of the tables for fire boundaries, regions, and units contains the data. To recreate using the information in the you need to re-download the data from the sites mentioned and follow the steps.
Data was exported with:
pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fp --compress=9 --no-owner --no-privileges -d fire -t 'fire19*' -t 'weather' -f crunchy-demo-fire.dump.sql.gz
imports with
gunzip -c crunchy-demo-fire.dump.sql.gz |psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 fire
This release fixes an issue with dates in the fire19 table where they were text fields and not date fields
Adding fire and weather data
This data is only the data for the fire scenario (weather and fire locations). You also have to:
create extension postgis
as a privlieged user in your DB BEFORE running the import below.
Since the fire data was too big to commit, only the dump of the tables for fire boundaries, regions, and units contains the data. To recreate using the information in the you need to re-download the data from the sites mentioned and follow the steps.
Data was exported with:
pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fp --compress=9 --no-owner --no-privileges -d fire -t 'fire19*' -t 'weather' -f crunchy-demo-fire.dump.sql.gz
imports with
gunzip -c crunchy-demo-fire.dump.sql.gz |psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 fire
More permission and schema improvements
We no longer support individual csv files with instructions on how to load each file. This data was dumped from a PostgreSQL 11 database.
This release did some minor improvements to permissions and moved all tables into the public schema.
Here is the command we used to export the data:
pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fp --compress=9 --no-owner --no-privileges -d workshop -f crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz
and here is an example of the command you can use to restore the database
gunzip -c crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz |psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 workshop
If you use a non-privileged user you may have trouble loading the data since the exported database uses PostGIS. Make sure to add PostGIS to your database before importing the data
A better dump file
We no longer support individual csv files with instructions on how to load each file. This data was dumped from a PostgreSQL 11 database.
This release got rid of the owner and grant/revoke information making it easier to load into any database without being stuck with errors or unwanted permissions.
Here is the command we used to export the data:
pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fp --compress=9 --no-owner --no-privileges -d workshop -f crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz
and here is an example of the command you can use to restore the database
gunzip -c crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz |psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 workshop
Moving to postgresql dump file
This release is the beginning of our new download format - pg_dump files. We no longer support individual csv files with instructions on how to load each file. This data was dumped from a PostgreSQL 11 database.
Here is the command we used
pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fp --compress=9 -d workshop -f crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz
and here is an example of the command you can use to restore the database
gunzip -c crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz |psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 workshop
We recommend using the postgres user as this will help avoid permission issues when trying to import the data.
Adding Natural Events data from NASA
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' # Conflicts: # .gitignore
Moved from geometry to geography in postgis
Also fixing minor typos in names and such
Initial Release
This data focuses on Public Domain or Unencumbered data so you can use freely for commercial or non-commercial purposes. To easily meet this requirement we took U.S.A. County level data. There is spatial, free-text, JSON, and Key-Value data included.
Inside the released ZIP file a directory per dataset. Each directory contains:
- The DDL to make the tables and indices. The end of the file will have a \copy command to load the data.
- A text file that works with the \copy command to populate the tables
- The codebook for the data provided by the original supplier of the raw data.
This release only contains the currently processed datasets:
County Boundaries
County Typology
Storm Data