My name is Cr0mb, a passionate programmer from North America. I've been exploring computer science from a young age, diving into various languages and technology. Fun fact: I installed my first piece of malware at age 6!
- Discord:
- Community: Black Hats UnderGround
- YouTube: Cr0mb's Channel
🎨 Inspiration
Watching Robert Crumb's documentary inspired me to publish my coding works and develop independently. His dedication to authenticity motivates me to learn and create rather than take shortcuts.Project 1: Litecoin Trading Bot
This Python script automates trading on Binance for Litecoin (LTC) using a simple strategy based on price thresholds.
Project 2: Cryptonix BTC/ETH Scanner
A Python tool for generating Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses, checking balances, and saving successful combinations.
Project 3: Python Web Scanner
A toolset for advanced reconnaissance on web resources using asynchronous scanning techniques.
Project 4: Assault Cube Mod Menu
A memory manipulation tool for Assault Cube, allowing real-time modifications of in-game values through a GUI.
Project 5: Crumb Hub
A command-line chat application that provides secure messaging with end-to-end encryption.
- Languages:
- Asynchronous Programming: asyncio, aiohttp
- Cryptography: Security protocols and measures
- Web Scraping: Data extraction techniques
- Regex: Pattern matching and text parsing
- HTML Parsing: Data manipulation from HTML
- Cybersecurity: Malware analysis and security tools
- Networking: Protocols and network analysis tools
If you appreciate my work, consider supporting me via Bitcoin or Litecoin. Your support helps me continue developing and sharing projects. Thank you!
- Bitcoin: bc1qgjxvem5wceul8cxznk5gt52qcfve0ca8f20mp4
- Litecoin: LVE6m9wVd5j9KuDEnR3KWy9saq6Z2kvKcG
Please do not submit merge requests to my repositories unless explicitly open for contributions. Feel free to DM me on Discord for ideas or tips. My username is available on my GitHub profile.
Thank you for understanding!