cd osquery-file-carve-server/
go mod init
go build
- All blocks of data sent by Osquery will arrive in order
- All data block sizes for NGINX, Osquery, and Mongo have appropriate settings
The default setting for all the configs in this repo is to set the data block size at 10MB (10000000 bytes). Osquery has carver_block_size
set to 10000000 (10MB).
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm kolide fleet prepare db --config /etc/kolide/kolide.yml
docker-compose up -d
- Setup Kolide
- Install Osquery
- Enroll Osquery with Kolide
osquery version 4.3.0
osquery version 4.4.0
- Update/finish
- Update/finish
- Add the ability to clean up unsucessful uploads
- StackOverFlow - nginx not blocking user agents
- StackOverFlow - Nginx: location regex for multiple paths
- Github - CptOfEvilMinions/BlogProjects
- NGINX Reverse Proxy
- Introducing gRPC Support with NGINX 1.13.10
- Kolide Fleet – Breaking out the osquery API & Web UI
- Slack - Osquery - NGINX config
- Nginx Redirect via Proxy, Rewrite and Preserve URL
- GoDocs - package gridfs
- Golang+MongoDB
- GoDocs - package mongo
- Github - MongoDB Go Driver
- StackOverFlow - Mongodb to Mongodb GridFS
- golang mongoDB GridFS query storage delete file
- Quick Start: Golang & MongoDB - A Quick Look at GridFS
- Connection String URI Format
- Github issue - how to configure TLS/SSL for mongod
- StackOverFlow - How to use new URL from mongodb 3.6 to connect from golang
- StackOverflow- How to download file in browser from Go server
- primitive.go
- StackOverFlow - Delete all the document older than a date using _id in mongo using mgo
- StackOverFlow - How to read/write from/to file using Go?
- StackOverFlow - Getting “bytes.Buffer does not implement io.Writer” error message
- GoDocs - Package io
- Streaming IO in Go
- Format a Go string without printing?
- Using environment variables in Go
- Listening multiple ports on golang http servers (using http.Handler)
- Create a Basic HTTPS Server (using TLS)
- How can I pass the parameter to a Http handler function
- Creating a RESTful API With Golang
- Copy a file in Go
- net/http - DetectContentType
- Golang transmit files over a net/http server to clients
- StackOverFlow - How to download file in browser from Go server
- Making and Using HTTP Middleware
- StackOverFlow - How to set headers in http get request?
- Making HTTP Requests in Golang
- Build Docker with Go app: cannot find package
- Create Docker microcontainers for golang using alpine image
- DockerHub - Golang
- DockerHub - Mongo
- DockerHub - NGINX
- Simple JWT Authentication for Golang (Part 1)
- Securing Golang API using Json Web Token (JWT)
- Using JWT for Authentication in a Golang Application
- Github - dgrijalva/jwt-go
- Vault - Token - Lookup a Token (Self)
- Github - adfinis-sygroup/vault-client - auth_backend.go
- Github - adfinis-sygroup/vault-client - auth.go
- Vault - Read Health Information
- package uuid
- UUID1 vs UUID4
- Home / Go Cookbook / Generating good unique ids in Go edit
- An example HTTP JSON response package with Golang
- Golang Response Snippets: JSON, XML and more
- Go by Example: String Formatting
- How to sort a slice of ints in Golang?
- Getting a slice of keys from a map
- How to find length of Map in Go?
- Go by Example: Tickers
- How to Check if a Key Exists in a Map in Go
- [go-nuts] Initialize map for struct
- Golang Read Write Create and Delete text file
- Go Mutex Tutorial
- How to get hours difference between two dates
- Go by Example: Mutexes
- How to use global var across files in a package?
- Encode and Decode Strings using Base 64
- Converting Int data type to Float in Go
- time.Since() Function in Golang With Examples
- Check If a File Exists Before Using It
- Golang : Convert Unix timestamp to UTC timestamp%20time%20stamp.)
- How to compare times in Golang?
- Subtracting time.Duration from time in Go