Sip and Read is a dynamic application that displays an assortment of book and cocktail pairings for the user to view. Upon selecting a pairing, the user may explore the book and drink details such as its author, amazon link, drink ingredients, etc. This application was a showcase of all the knowledge I have gained with React, Router, and Cypress testing. On top of creating a complex and interactive application, I incorporated async JS concepts like fetching to an API and displaying proper error handling from the user and server side for a smoother user experience.
Sip and Read is a solo project that was completed on the 17th week at Turing School of Software Developer and Design. I was given 5 days to complete this project and it took me approximately 30 hours total to finish.
Courtney Lippman GitHub | LinkedIn
GitHub Project Board | Figma
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install npm start
Use React, Router, Asynchronous JavaScript, and End to End testing with Cypress to create an application that demonstrates the mastery of the technologies learned in the last 5 weeks.
Sip and Read allowed me to challenge myself and apply the technology I have become familiar with over the last five weeks. Being able to research different APIs and develop my MVP based on a specific audience, I gained valuable knowledge about the product management process. I also was able to grow as a developer by applying React, Router, Asynch JS, and Cypress testing to the MVP that I created and creating the product in 5 days. Unexpected challenges arose with asynch JS when I incorporated two APIs into my project; the confidence I built while I learned and solved those challenges was immense.