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deploy-runner-on-gcp - does the cloud region matter in relation to overall region? #158

deploy-runner-on-gcp - does the cloud region matter in relation to overall region?

deploy-runner-on-gcp - does the cloud region matter in relation to overall region? #158

name: Instance Deployment Bot
- created
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: |
contains(github.event.comment.html_url, '/issues/') &&
contains(github.event.comment.body, '/cdp-deploy')
# Check initiator is a member of CDP
- name: Get CDP Organization Members
id: cdp-members
run: |
members="$(gh api -X GET 'orgs/CouncilDataProject/members' -F per_page=100 --paginate --cache 1h --jq '[.[].login] | join("---")')"
echo "::set-output name=members::$members"
- name: Generate Safe Username Check
id: safe-username
run: |
username=${{ github.event.comment.user.login }}
echo "::set-output name=username::$username"
- name: Check Job Initiator - Message
if: |
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v3
issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
body: |
## Deployment Status
❌ ❌ **Rejected** ❌ ❌
User (${{ github.event.comment.user.login }}) attempted to deploy without permissions.
_Only users which are members of the CouncilDataProject organization can deploy new instances with this bot._
**Stopping Deployment Procedure**
- name: Check Job Initiator - Exit
if: |
run: |
exit 1
# Workflow Setup
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Install Bot Scripts Dependencies
run: |
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r .github/workflows/scripts/requirements.txt
pip install cookiecutter
# Run Validation Bot to get Configuration Options
- name: Dump Issue Body to File
run: |
echo "${{ github.event.issue.body }}" >
- name: Validate Form and Generate Configuration Files
run: |
python .github/workflows/scripts/
# Store Cookiecutter Options
- name: Store Cookiecutter Options
id: cookiecutter-options
run: |
set -f
content=$(cat planned-cookiecutter.json)
echo ::set-output name=options::$content
# Run fast checks
- name: Read generation-options JSON
id: generation-options
run: |
content="$(cat generation-options.json)"
echo "::set-output name=content::$content"
- name: Error Early - Message
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v3
if: |
fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).scraper_options == null ||
fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).maintainer_name == null ||
fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).repository_path == null
issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
body: |
## Deployment Status
:warning: :warning: **Configuration Error** :warning: :warning:
Not all configuration options are present or some options have errors.
#### Configuration Options
${{ steps.generation-options.outputs.content }}
**Stopping Deployment Procedure**
- name: Error Early - Exit
if: |
fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).scraper_options == null ||
fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).maintainer_name == null ||
fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).repository_path == null
run: |
exit 1
# Proceed with deployment
- name: Get Prior Infrastructure Slug
id: get-infra-slug-comment
uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v2
issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
comment-author: 'github-actions[bot]'
body-includes: 'Generated Infrastructure Slug'
- name: Parse Prior Infrastructure Slug
id: infrastructure-slug
run: |
slug=$(python -c 'content = """${{ steps.get-infra-slug-comment.outputs.comment-body }}"""; print(content[content.index("`") + 1:content.index("`", content.index("`") + 1)]);')
echo "::set-output name=slug::$slug"
- name: Update Infrastructure Slug in Cookiecutter Options
run: |
replacement=$(jq '.infrastructure_slug = "${{ steps.infrastructure-slug.outputs.slug }}"' planned-cookiecutter.json)
echo "$replacement" > planned-cookiecutter.json
cat planned-cookiecutter.json
- name: Run Cookiecutter
run: |
mv planned-cookiecutter.json cookiecutter.json
cookiecutter . --no-input
- name: Get Municipality Slugs
id: municipality-slug
run: |
slug=$(jq -r '.municipality_slug' cookiecutter.json)
python_slug=$(jq -r '.python_municipality_slug' cookiecutter.json)
echo "::set-output name=slug::$slug"
echo "::set-output name=python_slug::$python_slug"
- name: Init Git
run: |
cd ${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.slug }}
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "CouncilDataProjectServiceAccount"
git init
git checkout -b main
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
# Replace scraper with provided
- name: Add cdp-scrapers as dependency
run: sed -i '10 i \ "cdp-scrapers[${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.python_slug }}]",' ${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.slug }}/python/
# Get scraper path and update scraper function
# The sed after param2 extract is to replace `/` with `\/` to escape the char
- name: Get Scraper Path
id: selected-scraper
run: |
scraper_options=$(jq -r '.scraper_options' generation-options.json)
scraper_choice=$(echo $scraper_options | cut -f1 -d %)
param1=$(echo $scraper_options | cut -f2 -d %)
param2=$(echo $scraper_options | cut -f3 -d %)
param2=$(sed 's/\//\\\//g' <<< $param2)
echo "::set-output name=choice::$scraper_choice"
echo "::set-output name=param1::$param1"
echo "::set-output name=param2::$param2"
# Use base legistar for scraper
- name: Add Base Legistar Scraper
if: |
contains(steps.selected-scraper.outputs.choice, 'USE_BASE_LEGISTAR')
run: |
sed -i \
's/REPLACE_LEGISTAR_CLIENT/${{ steps.selected-scraper.outputs.param1 }}/g' \
sed -i \
's/REPLACE_IANA_CLIENT_TZ/${{ steps.selected-scraper.outputs.param2 }}/g' \
mv \
.github/workflows/resources/ \
${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.slug }}/python/cdp_${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.python_slug }}_backend/
# Use custom scraper
- name: Add Custom Scraper
if: |
contains(steps.selected-scraper.outputs.choice, 'USE_FOUND_SCRAPER')
run: |
sed -i \
's/REPLACE_CUSTOM_SCRAPER/${{ steps.selected-scraper.outputs.param1 }}/g' \
mv \
.github/workflows/resources/ \
${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.slug }}/python/cdp_${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.python_slug }}_backend/
# Commit scraper changes
- name: Commit Scraper Dep and Usage
run: |
cd ${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.slug }}
git add -A
git commit -m "Update scraper dependency and implementation"
- name: Setup Git SSH
run: |
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
mkdir ~/.ssh/
echo "${{ secrets.SA_SSH_KEY }}" > ~/.ssh/id_cdp_sa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_cdp_sa
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_cdp_sa
echo "Host
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_cdp_sa" > ~/.ssh/config
- name: Create New Instance Repo and Push
run: |
cd ${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options ).hosting_github_repo_name }}
gh repo create \
${{ fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).repository_path }} \
--public \
--description "CDP Instance for ${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).municipality }}" \
--homepage "${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_web_app_address }}" \
sleep 10s
git remote add origin [email protected]:${{ fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).repository_path }}.git
sleep 10s
git push -u origin main
- name: Generate Safe Maintainer Name Check
id: safe-maintainer
run: |
username=$(jq -r '.maintainer_name' generation-options.json)
echo "::set-output name=username::$username"
# Add external collaborator to the repo if the maintainer isn't in CDP org
- name: Add External Collaborator
if: |
run: |
gh api \
repos/CouncilDataProject/${{ steps.municipality-slug.outputs.slug }}/collaborators/$(jq -r '.maintainer_name' generation-options.json) \
-X PUT \
-f permission='maintain'
- name: Log Success
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v3
issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
body: |
## Deployment Status
:tada: :tada: **Repository Created** :tada: :tada:
A new CouncilDataProject Instance Repository was created ([${{ fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).repository_path }}](${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_github_url }})), external collaborator added (@${{ fromJSON(steps.generation-options.outputs.content).maintainer_name }}), and cookiecutter files generated and pushed to repository.
The instance is setting itself up right now and the process will take around 10 minutes to complete. Once completed, a CDP maintainer will comment on this issue with your instance's website link. See [the instance's GitHub Action job history](${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_github_url }}/actions) for more details on the deployment setup progress.
Your CDP instance will be populated with data within 6 hours of website creation.
At any point in the future if you would like to destroy this instance, please just add a comment to this thread and a maintainer will help you.
#### Steps for Internal CDP Team
##### Final Setup
* [ ] Copy the key generated from the prior `just init` process
* [ ] Use the generated key as the [repository secret](${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_github_url }}/settings/secrets/actions) for `GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS`
* [ ] Rerun the [failed jobs](${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_github_url }}/actions), then:
* [ ] Enable [GitHub Pages](${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_github_url }}/settings/pages)
* [ ] Comment on this issue with "Deployment Status - Complete" and the instance URL
##### Deletion Steps (Future Reference)
* [ ] Delete the [instance repository](${{ fromJSON(steps.cookiecutter-options.outputs.options).hosting_github_url }}/settings)
* [ ] Run `just login` and login to the CDP gcloud
* [ ] Run `just destroy project=${{ steps.infrastructure-slug.outputs.slug }}`
More details on the `just` commands can be found in [cdp-backend](