An opensource implementation of CosmoQuest's Citizen Science Builder software.
Table of Contents
- About
- License
- Compiling and Installing
This is an open source image annotation platform suitable for citizen science.
This is a project from CosmoQuest, and is led by Pamela Gay and maintained through community collaboration.
Images, videos and other media belong to their respective owners.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
CSB 7.0 has been tested in our sandbox environment, which uses PHP 8.2. The Docker configuration is configured to use PHP 8.2, as well. You can find out more information about PHP's supported versions at
You will need to install GD for PHP. On Ubuntu, you can do this with:
sudo apt-get install -y php-gd
To install SASS, follow instructions on Once things are installed, you'll need to compile your sass files into css files whenever the sass is edited.
To watch and compile sass on the command line run:
sass --watch csb-themes/default/sass/style.scss:csb-themes/default/style.css &
PHPstorm can watch and compile sass (see
Instructions on compiling SASS in ubuntu are here:
Going to email folks? You'll need an SMTP-relay Most email software caps the number of emails you can send per day. Services like SendGrid or Google's SMTP-Relay can help you get around this. You're going to need the following information: Username, Password, SMTP-Relay Server, and encryption method.
cd <directory for apache or Docker>
git clone
cd CSB7.0
composer up
- Setup a standard Apache 2 / MySQL 8 / PHP 8 environment.
If you don't have a LAMP (or Win AMP) setup and are new to this kind of an environment, find instructions to install Wordpress. CSB7.0 requires the same kind of server configuration! For Ubuntu, the Digital Ocean tutorials are among the best.
- You should always use a certificate. If you don't have one, try using the free Let's Encrypt: CertBot.
- Most email software caps the number of emails you can send per day. Services like SendGrid or Google's SMTP-Relay can help you get around this.
- You're going to need the
- Go to http://yourhost/csb-installer/ in your browser. This will let you configure your installation and then install databases and setup an admin user using the settings in csb-settings.php
- Download and install the corresponding docker desktop version for your OS from Docker
For Windows - open either Command Console or Powershell. For Mac or Linux - open your command shell.
Open Docker & execute the following command from the CSB directory:
docker compose up
To stop docker and close the app, press Ctrl+C or type at a commandline
docker compose stop
- Go to http://localhost:8080/csb/csb-installer/ in your browser.
- To get the IP address of your docker container, run
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' csb-db-1
in your terminal. - All other settings are in docker-compose.yml (and change the passwords, especially in production)
- To get the IP address of your docker container, run