This repository contains the high level work plan for the Data Standards Body. Once scheduled, items in this plan will be broken down into multiple discrete decision proposals and consulted on with the CDR community.
- To see the plan please refer to the kanban board in this repository
- The issues in the backlog are in the issue tracker for this repository
As this plan represents the forward work plan for the DSB, only DSB team members will create and update the items in this repository.
The process for the management of this plan is described below.
This plan is supported by the overall DSB planning process. This is described diagramatically as follows:
The future work plan represented in this repository is used manage and track the items in the change initiation phase of this diagram.
The plan itself is managed in quarterly iterations. As time progresses the plan for the next quarter will be confirmed with the quarters after becoming more indicative and flexible into the future.
The responsibilities for maintaining and contributing to this future plan are as follows:
As the Chair is accountable for the work of the DSB and the resulting decisions the Chair will be responsible for:
- Approving the criteria for change item prioritisation
- Prioritising change items
- Approving the allocation of change items to iterations
- Ongoing governance of the process and the ongoing status of change items
The Advisory Committee members will be responsible for:
- Suggesting change items for addition to the backlog
- Advising the Chair on prioritisation and work allocation of change items
- Support the DSB in understanding and defining change items
The Data Standards Body team will be responsible for:
- Managing and maintaining the proposed process
- Recommending the criteria for change item prioritisation
- Documentation of change items along with maintenance of content and status
- Recommendation of change item prioritisation and iteration work allocation
The wider CDR community will be responsible for:
- Suggesting change items for addition to the backlog
- Support the DSB in understanding and defining change items