I remember the first time I tried to learn SAP Business Technology Platform on my own...
It was frustrating.
Conflicting information. Confusing terms. And techniques that didn't work.
I didn't know where to start or what to look at.
Many ABAP colleagues of mine are asking, "I want to prepare for the SAP Business Technology Platform next year. But I do not know where to start. What should I do?"
Do you want to build knowledge about the development of the SAP Business Technology Platform in 2021? This roadmap will help you structure your learning with the SAP Business Technology Platform. It contains topics that you might learn to know SCP well.
This is my biased recommendation. It focuses on JavaScript / TypeScript and Cloud Foundry on the SAP Business Technology Platform.
It can be scary to work through this roadmap because there are so many things to learn. This roadmap covers everything I would recommend to have at least heard. Do not feel overwhelmed. You don't need to know everything in the beginning if you want to get started.
The purpose is to give you an idea of the landscape. It should guide you if you are confused about what to learn next and not encourage you to choose what is hip and trendy. You should understand why one tool is better suited for some cases than another. Hip and trendy does not mean that it is best suited for the job.
So let's start without further ado...
So this is my recommendation on how to learn backend development on the SAP Business Technology Platform in 2021. I'm working on collecting good tutorials, articles and videos on the individual topics. I will add them here bit by bit.
Are you of a different opinion? Can you improve the roadmap? I am happy to receive your feedback. Please either comment here, open a issue or pull request to this GitHub repository.