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Flexible Functions for ICAR, BYM, and BYM2 Models in Stan

This repository contains R and Stan code to fit spatial models using intrinsic conditional autoregressive (ICAR) priors, including the BYM model (Besag, York, and Mollié 1991) and Riebler et al.’s (2016) adjustmented (“BYM2”) specification. The code here follows all of the recommendations from Freni-Sterrantino, Ventrucci, and Rue (2018) for disconnected graph structures, building on Morris et al. (2019). For proper CAR models in Stan, see here.

The implementation here is designed to be fairly simple given the R and Stan functions provided here. The code will work if you have a single connected graph structure, and if there are islands and/or multiple connected components it will automatically make the appropriate adjustments.

Contents includes:

  • icar-functions.stan Stan functions for calculating log probability of the ICAR prior, and functions to create the BYM(2) convolution term;
  • icar-functions.R R functions to prepare data for the ICAR Stan models;
  • BYM.stan Example code for the BYM model. Corresponding R code is provided in this file;
  • BYM2.stan Example code for the BYM2 model;
  • demo-BYM2.R Example R code for fitting the BYM2 model.
  • BYM2-b.stan Alternative code for the ICAR/BYM2 model in Stan (courtesy of Mizi Morris–this is currently under revision, please use BYM2.stan for now).

The foundation for the efficient Stan code for ICAR models was first presented in Morris’ Stan case study and Morris et al. (2019). I’ve adapted the model to handle a variety of common scenarios, particularly the presence of observations with zero neighbors or data from multiple regions that are disconnected from each other. These situations impact how the sum-to-zero constraint is imposed on the model as well as how the terms of the BYM model can be combined. I drew on previous work by Adam Howes (including his use of the segment function), and the repository includes additional contributions from M. Morris (where indicated, carrying over some material from Stan-Dev).

For a general introduction to ICAR models (including spatio-temporal specifications) see Haining and Li (2020). For an introduction to their implementation in Stan see Morris’ Stan case study. For a deeper read see Rue and Held (2005).

For fast and stable proper CAR models in Stan, which naturally avoid most of the complications dealt with here, see Donegan (2021) (with code) or this git repo from a related project. These and other spatial Stan models are implemented in the geostan R package; the package also contains convenience functions for fitting custom spatial models in Stan (see the prep_icar_data and prep_car_data functions).

The ICAR prior

The ICAR prior specified with a binary connectivity matrix reduces to a function of the pairwise differences of neighboring values under the constraint that the parameter vector sums to zero. Morris et al. program the ICAR prior in Stan using the following function:

  * intrinsic autoregressive prior 
  * @return lpdf of IAR prior minus any constant terms
  real icar_normal_lpdf(vector phi, int N, int[] node1, int[] node2) {
    return -0.5 * dot_self(phi[node1] - phi[node2]) +
      normal_lpdf(sum(phi) | 0, 0.001 * N);

where phi is the N-length vector of parameters to which the ICAR prior is assigned. node1 and node2 contain the indices of each pair of connected nodes. It is simplified by keeping the ICAR prior on unit scale. So instead of assigning the prior directly to phi, the ICAR prior is assigned to a vector of standard normal deviates phi_tilde; then phi = phi_tilde * phi_scale gets passed into the linear predictor of the model.

This function contains two restrictions. The first is that the connectivity structure must consist of binary entries only (ones for neighboring observations, zero otherwise).

The second restriction is that the graph structure needs to be fully connected. For graph structures that are not fully connected, the sum to zero constraint needs to be applied to each connected region separately; as a result, it is best for each connected component to have its own intercept.

Finally, the ICAR prior is typically used in conjunction with a spatially unstructured term theta to capture variation around the local mean (the local mean being modeled by phi.) The BYM model consists of the combination of local and global partial-pooling (so-called random effects terms). This is refered to as the convolution term, convolution = phi + theta.

The following Stan function calculates the log probability of the ICAR prior, adjusting as needed for use with the BYM model. In short, observations with zero neighbors will be handled differently depending on the inclusion of theta; if the model has theta, then those phi values need to drop out. If the model does not have theta, this code assigns to the zero-neighbor observations an independent Gaussian prior with scale equal to phi_scale.

 * Log probability of the intrinsic conditional autoregressive (ICAR) prior,
 * excluding additive constants. 
 * @param phi Vector of parameters for spatial smoothing (on unit scale)
 * @param spatial_scale Scale parameter for the ICAR model
 * @param node1 
 * @param node2
 * @param k number of groups
 * @param group_size number of observational units in each group
 * @param group_idx index of observations in order of their group membership
 * @param has_theta If the model contains an independent partial pooling term, phi for singletons can be zeroed out; otherwise, they require a standard normal prior. Both BYM and BYM2 have theta.
 * @return Log probability density of ICAR prior up to additive constant
real icar_normal_lpdf(vector phi, real spatial_scale,
              int[] node1, int[] node2, 
              int k, int[] group_size, int[] group_idx,
              int has_theta) {
  real lp;
  int pos=1;
  lp = -0.5 * dot_self(phi[node1] - phi[node2]);
  if (has_theta) {
    for (j in 1:k) {
      /* sum to zero constraint for each connected group; singletons zero out */
      lp += normal_lpdf(sum(phi[segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j])]) | 0, 0.001 * group_size[j]);
      pos += group_size[j];
  } else {
    /* does not have theta */
    for (j in 1:k) {
      if (group_size[j] > 1) {
    /* same as above for non-singletons: sum to zero constraint */
    lp += normal_lpdf(sum(phi[segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j])]) | 0, 0.001 * group_size[j]);
      } else {
    /* its a singleton: independent Gaussian prior on phi */
    lp += normal_lpdf(phi[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] | 0, spatial_scale);
      pos += group_size[j];
  return lp;

Riebler et al. (2016) proposed an adjustment to the ICAR model to enable more meaningful priors to be placed on phi_scale. The idea is to adjust the scale of phi for the additional variance present in the covariance matrix of the ICAR model, relative to a covariance matrix with zeroes on the off-diagonal elements. This is introduced through a scale_factor term, which we will code as inv_sqrt_scale_factor = sqrt(1/scale_factor) (to relate this directly to other implementations you may find).

The following function is used to combine phi_tilde with phi_scale as well as the scale_factor (which may be a vector ones, to be ignored).

 * Create phi from phi_tilde, inv_sqrt_scale_factor, and spatial_scale. 
 * @param phi_tilde local component (spatially autocorrelated) 
 * @param phi_scale scale parameter for phi
 * @param inv_sqrt_scale_factor The scaling factor for the ICAR variance (see scale_c R function, using R-INLA); 
 *                              transformed from 1/scale^2 --> scale. Or, a vector of ones.
 * @param n number of spatial units
 * @param k number of connected groups
 * @param group_size number of observational units in each group
 * @param group_idx index of observations in order of their group membership
 * @return phi vector of spatially autocorrelated coefficients
vector make_phi(vector phi_tilde, real phi_scale,
              vector inv_sqrt_scale_factor,
              int n, int k,
              int[] group_size, int[] group_idx
              ) {
  vector[n] phi;
  int pos=1;
  for (j in 1:k) {
      phi[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] = phi_scale * inv_sqrt_scale_factor[j] * phi_tilde[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ];
    pos += group_size[j];
  return phi;

One way this model can be extended is by assigning a separate scale parameters for each connected component of the graph. Once you assign separate intercepts and scale parameters for each disconnected region, you have independent prior models for each region. Imposing the constraint that disconnected regions have the same scale parameter may seem unreasonable for some applications, and also may slow down sampling. For example, why would the spatial autocorrelation parameters for the counties of Hawaii have the same scale as those for the continental U.S.?

Implementing this extension requires declaring vector<lower=0>[1+m] phi_scale in the parameters block and then adjusting the make_phi function as follows:

phi[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] = phi_scale[j] * inv_sqrt_scale_factor[j] * phi_tilde[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ];`.

The icar-functions.stan file contains a function called make_phi2 with that adjustment made.

BYM convolution term

The BYM model includes the parameter vector assigned the ICAR prior plus a vector theta assigned a normal prior with unknown scale: θ ∼ N(0, η), with η assigned some prior such as η ∼ N(0, 1). Again, in practice we assign theta_tilde a standard normal prior and then multiply it by its scale theta_scale. Then the convolution term is

convolution = phi + theta = phi_tilde * spatial_scale + theta_tilde * theta_scale

or optionally with the scaling factor:
convolution = phi_tilde * inv_sqrt_scale_factor * spatial_scale + theta_tilde * theta_scale

The following function combines terms to create the BYM convolution term, making adjustments as needed for disconnected graph structures and observations with zero neighbors. The input for phi should be the parameter vector returned by make_phi (as demonstrated below).

 * Combine local and global partial-pooling components into the convolved BYM term.
 * @param phi spatially autocorrelated component (not phi_tilde!)
 * @param theta global component (not theta_tilde!)
 * @param n number of spatial units
 * @param k number of connected groups
 * @param group_size number of observational units in each group
 * @param group_idx index of observations in order of their group membership
 * @return BYM convolution vector
vector convolve_bym(vector phi, vector theta,
              int n, int k,
              int[] group_size, int[] group_idx
              ) {
  vector[n] convolution;
  int pos=1;
  for (j in 1:k) {
     if (group_size[j] == 1) {
        convolution[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] = theta[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ];
    } else {
    convolution[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] =
      phi[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] + theta[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ];
      pos += group_size[j];
  return convolution;

BYM2 convolution term

Riebler et al. (2016) also proposed to combine theta with phi using a mixing parameter rho and a single scale spatial_scale, such that

convolution = spatial_scale * (sqrt(rho * scale_factor^-1) * phi + sqrt(1 - rho) * theta)

The following function creates the convolution term for the BYM2 model and makes adjustments for disconnected graph structures and zero-neighbor observations. If you use this function, do not also use the make_phi function (see BYM2.stan).

 * Combine local and global partial-pooling components into the convolved BYM2 term.
 * @param phi_tilde local (spatially autocorrelated) component
 * @param theta_tilde global component
 * @param spatial_scale scale parameter for the convolution term
 * @param n number of spatial units
 * @param k number of connected groups
 * @param group_size number of observational units in each group
 * @param group_idx index of observations in order of their group membership
 * @param inv_sqrt_scale_factor The scaling factor for the ICAR variance (see scale_c R function, using R-INLA); 
 *                              transformed from 1/scale^2 --> scale. Or, a vector of ones.
 * @param rho proportion of convolution that is spatially autocorrelated
 * @return BYM2 convolution vector
vector convolve_bym2(vector phi_tilde, vector theta_tilde,
          real spatial_scale,
              int n, int k,
              int[] group_size, int[] group_idx,
              real rho, vector inv_sqrt_scale_factor
              ) {
  vector[n] convolution;
  int pos=1;
  for (j in 1:k) {
    if (group_size[j] == 1) {
        convolution[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] = spatial_scale * theta_tilde[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ];
    } else {
    convolution[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] = spatial_scale * (
     sqrt(rho) * inv_sqrt_scale_factor[j] * phi_tilde[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ] +
     sqrt(1 - rho) * theta_tilde[ segment(group_idx, pos, group_size[j]) ]
  pos += group_size[j];
  return convolution;

All of the Stan functions specified above are stored in the file named “icar-functions.stan.”

Putting it all together

The ICAR model requires the following input as data:

  • n number of observations
  • k number of groups of connected observations (i.e. a connected graph with one disconnected island has k=1)
  • group_size an integer array with the number of observations per group
  • n_edges total number of edges (sum of all edge_size)
  • node1, node2 these contain the indices for each pair of connected nodes
  • group_idx integer array (size n), see below. Allows us to extract observations by their group membership
  • inv_sqrt_scale_factor a k-length vector of scale factors, one per connected group. Or, a k-length vector of ones.
  • m number of connected graph components requiring their own intercept
    • for a single fully connected graph, this is zero; add one to m for each additional connected component with group_size > 1.
  • A an n by m matrix of dummy variables indicating to which connected component an observation belongs (for any extra intercepts).

The demonstration shows how to use some R code to very easily obtain all these items at once. The Stan code appears more complicated than some applications will require, but it is designed to function under a variety of common circumstances.

The Stan code below also includes the following terms, just to provide a complete example:

  • prior_only Binary indicator, skip the likelihood and just compute the prior or sample from posterior distribution given data
  • y outcome data (integer array) (ignored if prior_only=1)
  • offset offset term (ignored if prior_only=1).

This is for the BYM model:

// The BYM model //
functions {
#include icar-functions.stan
data {
  int n;    // no. observations
  int<lower=1> k; // no. of groups
  int group_size[k]; // observational units per group
  int group_idx[n]; // index of observations, ordered by group
  int<lower=0> m; // no of components requiring additional intercepts
  matrix[n, m] A; // dummy variables for any extra graph component intercepts
  int<lower=1> n_edges; 
  int<lower=1, upper=n> node1[n_edges];
  int<lower=1, upper=n> node2[n_edges];
  int<lower=1, upper=k> comp_id[n]; 
  vector[k] inv_sqrt_scale_factor; // can be a vector of ones, as a placeholder
  int<lower=0, upper=1> prior_only;
  int y[n];
  vector[n] offset; // e.g., log of population at risk

transformed data {
  int<lower=0,upper=1> has_theta=1;

parameters {
  real alpha;
  vector[m] alpha_phi;
  vector[n] phi_tilde;
  real<lower=0> spatial_scale;
  vector[n] theta_tilde;
  real<lower=0> theta_scale;

transformed parameters {
  vector[n] phi = make_phi(phi_tilde, spatial_scale, inv_sqrt_scale_factor, n, k, group_size, group_idx);
  vector[n] theta = theta_tilde * theta_scale;
  vector[n] convolution = convolve_bym(phi, theta, n, k, group_size, group_idx);
  vector[n] eta = offset + alpha + convolution;
  if (m) eta += A * alpha_phi;

model {
   // keep the following lines as they are:
   phi_tilde ~ icar_normal(spatial_scale, node1, node2, k, group_size, group_idx, has_theta);
   theta_tilde ~ std_normal();
   // the rest of the priors may need to be adjusted for your own model.
   spatial_scale ~ std_normal(); 
   theta_scale ~ std_normal();
   alpha ~ normal(0, 10); // this is the prior for the mean log rate.
   if (m) alpha_phi ~ normal(0, 2);
   if (!prior_only) y ~ poisson_log(eta);

R code to run the BYM2 model is in the BYM2.stan file.


This section demonstrates how to fit these models using all US states (including Puerto Rico and D.C.) It requires some functions from icar-functions.R in this repository, plus the spdep, sf, rstan, and ggplot2 packages.

pkgs <- c("rstan", "sf", "spdep", "ggplot2")
lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] TRUE
## [[2]]
## [1] TRUE
## [[3]]
## [1] TRUE
## [[4]]
## [1] TRUE
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)

Download the shapefile from the Census Bureau and load it as an sf (simple features) object:

## get a shapefil
url <- ""
get_shp(url, "states")
## [1] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.cpg"           
## [2] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.dbf"           
## [3] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.prj"           
## [4] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.shp"           
## [5] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.shp.ea.iso.xml"
## [6] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.shp.iso.xml"   
## [7] "states/cb_2019_us_state_20m.shx"
states <- st_read("states")
## Reading layer `cb_2019_us_state_20m' from data source 
##   `/home/connor/repo/Stan-IAR/states' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 52 features and 9 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -179.1743 ymin: 17.91377 xmax: 179.7739 ymax: 71.35256
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
ggplot(states) +
  geom_sf() +

All of the required data for the ICAR model can be obtained by passing a connectivity matrix C to the prep_icar_data function. The connectivity matrix has a binary coding scheme:

C <- spdep::nb2mat(spdep::poly2nb(states, queen = TRUE), style = "B", zero.policy = TRUE) <- prep_icar_data(C)

In practice there will always be additional data to pass in to the Stan model. Here we append the ICAR data to some fake outcome data, which is just a placeholder:

n <- nrow(states)
dl <- list(
    n = n,
    prior_only = TRUE, # ignore the data, sample from the joint prior probability of parameters
    y = rep(1, n), # just a placeholder
    offset = rep(1, n) # placeholder  
dl <- c(dl,

Now we can compile the BYM model code:

BYM <- stan_model("BYM.stan")

and pass our list of data to Stan to sample from the joint prior distribution of the parameters:

 fit = sampling(BYM,
                data = dl,
                refresh = 1e3, 
                cores = 4,
                control = list(max_treedepth = 13)

Check convergence ( ≈ 1):


We can see that three of the phi_i are zero:

plot(fit, pars = "phi")

Those tightly centered on zero are the states with zero neighbors. They have no spatial autocorrelation component by definition, so phi gets zeroed out and the convolution term for thos observations is equal to theta.

We also can see that the variance of the prior distribution is uneven across states. The ICAR model is driven by the pairwise difference formula, which comes from ϕ′(D − W)ϕ where D is a diagonal matrix and W is the connectivity matrix (with zeros on the diagonal). Elements on the diagonal of D are equal to the number of neighbors of each observation. Observations with large numbers of neighbors have higher precision (lower variance) relative to those with fewer neighbors. However, the model is a joint probability over the parameter space, so the prior precision of any one parameter is impacted by the prior precision of its neighbors, and less so by second- and third-order neighbors, and so on.

We can see that the variance of the prior probability for phi is related to the number of neighbors (D):

# joint probability of phi, as specified here, is driven by phi'*(D-C)*phi with D a diagonal matrix containing number of neighbors of each observation
D_diag <- rowSums(C)
phi.samples <- as.matrix(fit, pars = "phi")
phi.var <- apply(phi.samples, 2, var)
plot(D_diag, phi.var)

And the marginal variances of the ICAR prior exhibit spatial autocorrelation, with a predictable pattern of higher variance on the coasts and lower variance inland:

## drop states with no neighbors
drop.idx <- which(states$NAME %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii", "Puerto Rico"))
cont <- states[-drop.idx, ]
phi_variance <- phi.var[-drop.idx]

ggplot(cont) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill=log(phi_variance))) +
    low = "white",
    high = "darkred"

We can view a sample of the variety of spatial autocorrelation patterns that are present in the prior model for phi:

## again, drop to the continental states only
phi <- as.matrix(fit, pars = "phi")[, -drop.idx]

ggplot(cont) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = phi[1,])) +

ggplot(cont) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = phi[20,])) +

ggplot(cont) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = phi[700,])) +

The following plot is a histogram of the degree of spatial autocorrelation in each posterior draw of phi as measured by the Moran coefficient:

phi <- as.matrix(fit, pars = "phi")  <- apply(phi, 1, mc, w = C)

Only positive spatial autocorrelation patterns can be modeled with the ICAR prior.

Scaling the ICAR prior

To follow Reibler et al.’s adjustment to the scale of the model, you can use the INLA R package and the following R code: <- prep_icar_data(C)

## calculate the scale factor for each of k connected group of nodes, using the scale_c function from M. Morris
k <-$k
scale_factor <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = k)
for (j in 1:k) {
  g.idx <- which($comp_id == j) 
  if (length(g.idx) == 1) {
    scale_factor[j] <- 1
  Cg <- C[g.idx, g.idx] 
  scale_factor[j] <- scale_c(Cg) 

## update the data list for Stan$inv_sqrt_scale_factor <- 1 / sqrt( scale_factor )

This data then gets passed into the data list for BYM.stan or BYM2.stan without any other adjustments needed. You can also find example code for this in the demo-BYM2.R script.


Donegan, Connor. Flexible Functions for ICAR, BYM, and BYM2 Models in Stan. Code Repository. 2021. Available online: (access date).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Besag, Julian, Jeremy York, and Annie Mollié. 1991. “Bayesian Image Restoration, with Two Applications in Spatial Statistics.” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 43 (1): 1–20.

Donegan, Connor. 2021. “Spatial Conditional Autoregressive Models in Stan.” OSF Preprints.

Freni-Sterrantino, Anna, Massimo Ventrucci, and Håvard Rue. 2018. “A Note on Intrinsic Conditional Autoregressive Models for Disconnected Graphs.” Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 26: 25–34.

Haining, Robert, and Guangquan Li. 2020. Modelling Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data: A Bayesian Approach. CRC Press.

Morris, Mitzi, Katherine Wheeler-Martin, Dan Simpson, Stephen J Mooney, Andrew Gelman, and Charles DiMaggio. 2019. “Bayesian Hierarchical Spatial Models: Implementing the Besag York Mollié Model in Stan.” Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 31: 100301.

Riebler, Andrea, Sigrunn H Sørbye, Daniel Simpson, and Håvard Rue. 2016. “An Intuitive Bayesian Spatial Model for Disease Mapping That Accounts for Scaling.” Statistical Methods in Medical Research 25 (4): 1145–65.

Rue, Havard, and Leonhard Held. 2005. Gaussian Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications. CRC press.


Spatial intrinsic autoregressive models in Stan







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