vim-usd-usdview is a Vim plugin that lets the user open Pixar's USD files in usdview. You can open the files in the foreground or in the background, so you can writing your USD files and see the results in usdview!
Use your plugin manager to add this plugin to Vim.
Plug 'ColinKennedy/vim-usd-usdview'
nmap <leader>vv <Plug>OpenCurrentFileInBackground
nmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDViewInBackground
xmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDViewInBackground
Plugin 'ColinKennedy/vim-usd-usdview'
nmap <leader>vv <Plug>OpenCurrentFileInBackground
nmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDViewInBackground
xmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDViewInBackground
The plugin mappings shown above will load usdview in the background so that you can continue to work in Vim. If you'd like usdview to run in the foreground (and block you from editting files in Vim), use these commands:
nmap <leader>vv <Plug>OpenCurrentFile
nmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDView
xmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDView
- Must have USD compiled
(or another equivalent executable) command must be available in your PATH environment variable.usdview
is used to convert to and from binary.
You may set a different executable than usdview
, if you want, like this:
let g:vim_usd_usdview_command = "some_custom_usdview_executable"
Variable | Description | Default |
g:vim_usd_usdview_command | The executable that will be used to load usdview | "usdview" |
If you're loading usdview using background, switch to foreground commands like this:
nmap <leader>vv <Plug>OpenCurrentFile
nmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDView
xmap <leader>vw <Plug>OpenPathUnderCursorInUSDView
Running usdview in the background will hide any errors that pop up. Running in foreground will show if there are any issues.