irclogger is a simple "bot", a program connecting as a client on IRC servers to provide a web log of what is said. It aims to provide a simple, fast, efficient and web-compliant service. It is quite robust and mature, having be in daily heavy use for personal & business use since 2003. This page is at
- Be used on intranets, where users can be trusted and will not try constantly to crack the system. Thus the bot do not need to provide the plethora of anti-hackers, channel defending measures
- Provide privacy, users can set passwords on the log files, change them, but cannot remove them
- Be another web tool, the bot obeys just the minimal IRC commands to log or not a channel. All the rest is done via a web browser. Each logged phrase becomes a part of the web with its own URL.
- its web page:
- its technical documentation in the README.txt file, with the Installation instructions
GPV v3