The dotfiles I use on my Arch + ZSH + (Herbstluftwm / i3) system. Hopefully you can find something helpful in here. 😄
Some of the programs I use:
- Herbstluftwm / i3
- Neovim (Configured in lua using LazyVim)
- Alacritty
- Polybar
- rofi
- ranger
- zathura / sioyek
- starship / powerlevel10k
- optimus-manager
- JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font
- UbuntuMono Nerd Font
Get them here
A lot scripts were inspired by or taken from those available in voidrice. You should check it out!
These dotfiles are managed using chezmoi.
I will not be going out of the way to maintain this for general use. It contains a lot of things that are specific to my use cases. Use at your own risk. 😬