The Vim plugin for
Make sure CodeGra.fs is installed
and both cgfs
and the helper program cgapi-consumer
must be available from
the user's PATH
environment variable.
mkdir ~/.vim/pack/CodeGrade/start
git clone ~/.vim/pack/CodeGrade/start/CodeGra.vim
Use your package manager of choice, below examples for few popular ones.
" vim-plug
call plug#begin()
Plug 'CodeGra-de/CodeGra.vim'
call plug#end()
" Vundle
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'CodeGra-de/CodeGra.vim'
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin on
" minpac
call minpac#init()
call minpac#add('CodeGra-de/CodeGra.vim')
Mount your account to a directory and open a file in one of the filesystem's subdirectories:
$ cgfs ~/
$ vim ~/<course>/<assignment>/<submission>
The following commands are available in Vim:
Command | --fixed 1 |
Description |
CGEditFeedback | ✓ | Edit the current submission's global feedback. |
CGEditGrade | ✓ | Edit the current submission's grade. |
CGShowLineFeedback | ✗ | Show the line-feedback for the current buffer in the quickfix list and open the quickfix window. |
CGEditLineFeedback | ✓ | Edit the comment for the current line in the current buffer. |
CGDeleteLineFeedback | ✓ | Delete the comment for the current line in the |
current buffer. | ||
CGOpenRubricEditor | ✗ | Edit the rubric of the assignment of the current |
file. | ||
CGOpenRubricSelector | ✓ | Open the rubric for the current submission. |
CGRubricPrevSection | ✗ | Go to the previous header in a rubric file. |
CGRubricNextSection | ✗ | Go to the next header in a rubric file. |
CGRubricSelectItem | ✓ | Select the rubric item on the current line. |
1: Require the filesystem to be mounted with the --fixed
flag to use this feature.
CodeGra.vim is released under LICENSE.