Playground to test different frontend frameworks.
Extra options
Want to try pnpm, if possible the workspace feature
CDN's are getting support for deploying functions. Want to tryout the 3 popular options:
- Vercel
- max 3 deployables and project from same git repo
- cloudflare
- flyio
Tailwind should be used for most styling.
- is tailwind a better solution than css-in-js
The apps should use Supabase to store data and have real-time updates on sessions.
- check if prisma can work with supabase
- should we use nosql model?
- define event model?
Login with
- Github
- Magic link
Create new session and join existing session
Start new poll with for example a story name
- create new poll
- see past polls (read only)
- vote on poll
- see current active users in session
- see who already voted
- see who is host
- see current session id
- share current session id
- reset votes
- show votes
- if not al users in session voted a popup should show up with a warning
- see past polls (hidable)
- see own vote
- submit result
- see everyones vote
- reset votes
- adjust vote disabled
- github
- magic link