Tags: CleverStack/node-seed
release(1.2.0-rc-4): Latest Release Candidate for 1.2.x
release(1.2.0-rc-3): Refactored Models * feat(associations): Implemented FCC Model Associations * chore(cleanup): Linting files * feat(model): FCC Models support multiple primaryKeys, dirty checking and better handling of underscores * chore(config): Added .editorconfig file * chore(cleanup): BootstrapEnv * chore(cleanup): ejsRenderer * chore(cleanup): getModulePaths * refactor(model): Moving logic into clever-orm and clever-odm modules * chore(deps): Updating dependencies * Merge pull request #104 from CleverStack/1.2.0
release(1.2.0-rc-1): Releasing inline with angular-seed 1.2.0-rc-2 * fix(backgroundTasks): Only load tasks if clever-background-tasks is installed * fix(backgroundTasks): Only load tasks if clever-background-tasks is installed * fix(Model): fixed definition bug in Model * fix(mailer): Patched default mailer util to safely include sendgrid * refactor(promises): Updated usage of Promise API inline with the latest version * update(deps): All dependencies updated except express * refactor(seedData): Updated seed data for default account and user * refactor(seedData): Temp fix for testing * fix(bundledDependencies): Removed clever-orm and clever-auth from default installation * fix(Seed): Moved module related seedData into their respective modules
release(1.2.0-rc-1): Releasing inline with angular-seed 1.2.0-rc-1