an MQTT based Sensor and Actor Plattform for Smarthomes
SensorBoard V01 has the following Features:
- ESP32-S3 Wroom Board with integrated or external Antenna
- Wifi Interface
- Relais with 230V/10A
- 3 Inputs (3.3Volts Logic-Level)
- 3 Outputs (3.3Volt Logic)
- Statusled
- I2C-Sensor Interface with 3.3Volt Supply (fits aht20 & bmp280 Boards)
- 4-Way DIP-Switch for Configurations
SensorBoard V02 has the following Features:
- Same Features as V01
- Medical Grade Powersuppy by 85-265VAC 50/60Hz
Software Features:
- MQTT Sensor/Switch Client for Smarthomes
- All IOs Mapped in MQTT
- Temperature, Humidity and Pressure from AHT20&BMP280 Boards