This is the code form my Master thesis. Theoretically this code is sufficent to reproduce all Graphs, Networks and Models of my Masterthesis. Practically, the size of the data is to big to host here. Re-Scraping the data would be possible with the Jupyter Notebook file. But this takes weeks.
In what order the files would need to be run, is explained in the .rtf (in german). The results are in the "images" folder.
I researched the aftermath of banning fringe subreddits ond For this the subreddits and all the comments and posts from users active on the subreddit were scraped from Then differences before and after the ban were compared. Also I generated networks of the subreddits in which accounts from the banned subreddit were also active. This Subreddit-Subreddit-Network shows how all the Fringe-Subreddits were connected with each other over the most mainstream Subreddits like r/AskReddit, r/politics and the like.