This is a simple JavaScript function that generates a welcome approproiate to the time of day. It uses Claromentis localisation keys allowing for localisation support.
Simply add the following function to your JavaScript and insert, or call accordingly.
function greet() {
var houris = (new Date()).getHours();
document.write( ( houris>18 ? lmsg('main.intranethome.good_evening') : ( houris>12 ? lmsg('main.intranethome.good_afternoon') : lmsg('main.intranethome.good_morning') ) ) );
Example Implementation:
<p class="welcome-message">
<component class="Claromentis\Core\Widget\JSLocalize" keys="main.intranethome.good_afternoon, main.intranethome.good_morning">
<script type="text/javascript">
<a href="/intranet/people/myprofile.php"> <txt name="infobar_logged_on_as"> Firstname Lastname</txt></a>, welcome to Connect.