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Making a release

Draft a new release in - ui and admin-ui pipelines will pick up releases named v-*.

Old releases are named release-*

Include a changelog if applicable.


  1. Node 18 (nvm use)
  2. pnpm


Running scripts in the repo root uses turborepo to run the commands to all packages.

You can target commands using:

# only that package
pnpm {command} --filter {package_name}

# only that package and it's dependencies
pnpm {command} --filter {package_name}...

You can disable cache (in most cases, ex. tsc uses it's own cache)

# disable reads (this is usually what you want)
pnpm lint --force
# disable writes (usually if you are adding new commands)
pnpm dev --no-cache

Install deps

pnpm i

Update email templates

pnpm generate:emails

Start both frontends in dev mode

pnpm dev

Lint all packages

pnpm lint
# automatic fixing
pnpm lint:fix

Stylelint all packages

pnpm lint:css

Typecheck all packages

pnpm tsc:check
# if you need to remove caches
pnpm tsc:clean

Build all packages

pnpm build

Test all packages

pnpm test

run commands inside individual projects

Usually you only want to do this if you are testing something or you are writing a new master command.

Example you need to use different options to the typescript compile.

# go to app / package directory (not root) ex.
cd apps/ui
pnpm tsc ...

adding a new command

If you need to run the command inside a package

  • Add the command you want to all the individual packages package.json you want. Leave the packages you don't want untouched.
  • Add the master command to turbo.json
  • Add turbo $cmd to /package.json
  • Run the command pnpm $cmd

if you need to run it on the root level

  • Add the $cmd directly to /package.json
  • Run the command pnpm $cmd

Repo structure

Main applications that don't depend on each other, can be built, and ran.


Dependencies that are used by multiple applications


Developing locally


First check out the latest version of the backend/api project from and follow it's instructions.

Alternatively you can use an Azure development backend by changing the environment variable.


If you run all the apps using pnpm dev in the root.

Admin-ui: [http://localhost:3001/kasittely]/(http://localhost:3001/kasittely)

UI: [http://localhost:3000]/(http://localhost:3000)


Assuming you are using local backend. Interactive graphql: http://localhost:8000/graphql/

Using the graphql console requires login to django at http://localhost:8000/admin/

Updates to graphql schema

New api changes require updating the schema and typescript types.

Update the version backend version in http://localhost:8000 using git and rebuild it (follow the backend README).

Update GraphQL schema and types.

# all apps
pnpm codegen
# individual app
pnpm codegen:ui
# or
pnpm codegen:admin

Run in watch mode (all apps)

pnpm codegen:watch

Watch mode has some issues with changes in packages/common are not propagated to the other packages, but common fragments should be pretty stable (and if they are not they should be moved to the app). In those cases better to run pnpm codegen in the root.


What's a server issue

How do you know it's server side? it's in the terminal logs not in the browser network request / logs.

In general for a basic page render that requires data Nextjs does everything twice: it renders twice, it fetches twice, one on the server (SSR), one on the client (hydration). On the server it uses Node, on the client it uses the browser.

Especially for fetch this is an issue since the native fetch in Node is rather quirky, unlike browser APIs.

Node 18 / 20 fetch failed server side

Check that your /etc/hosts has       localhost
# IMPORTANT! ipv6 address after ipv4
::1             localhost

Use ENABLE_FETCH_HACK=true env for UI app. That changes SSR fetches to instead of localhost. This will break authenticated queries for SSR though (not used currently) because it can't include credentials.

other possible solutions

Other possible solutions replace localhost with This should fix the issue, but the backend authentication to tunnistamo doesn't work because it expects localhost as a callback address.

Try disabling node fetch api

node --no-experimental-fetch
# e.g.
NODE_OPTIONS="--no-experimental-fetch" pnpm dev
# or
cd apps/ui
NODE_OPTIONS="--no-experimental-fetch" next dev


Node 18+ uses IPv6 as default so either we have to tell it to use IPv4 or change to to explicitly tell it that we are connecting to IPv4 address and not to :1. would be the prefered solution except it breaks callback addresses that are configured to use localhost.

Disable node fetch api

Turn off experimental fetch in the start script. For example MSW requires this for local testing (non Docker), might help with other libraries also, primarily those that manipulate or intercept requests.

"NODE_OPTIONS='--no-experimental-fetch' {cmd} ...

Or add this code before making a network request. DON'T use it on the client (only node server).

const dns = await import('node:dns');

Other server issues

Try downgrading node to 16, if it helps post a bug ticket.