released this
07 Nov 14:25
82 commits
to release-4.0.0-beta
since this release
[4.0.0-beta.0] - November, 07, 2024
- [Tag] Rewritten Tag component
- [Button] Renewed Button component with theming support
- [Link] iconLeft prop is renamed to iconStart, size prop is now enum (LinkSize.Small, .Medium and .Large). Aria-label is now native so ariaLabel prop is now obsolete -> use aria-label.
- [Accordion] Changed size prop to use AccordionSize enum (AccordionSize.Small, AccordionSize.Medium and AccordionSize.Large) or without usin Typescript ("small", "medium" and "large"). Also theming has changed variables.
- [Notification] Changed size prop to enum (NotificationSize.Small, NotificationSize.Medium and NotificationSize.Large) or without using Typescript ("small", "medium" and "large"). The "default" size was removed and replaced with "medium".
- [ErrorSummary] Changed size prop to enum (ErrorSummarySize.Medium and ErrorSummarySize.Large) or without using Typescript ("medium" and "large"). The "default" size was removed and replaced with "medium".
- [Icon] Icon size changed to enum (IconSize.ExtraSmall, IconSize.Small, IconSize.Medium, IconSize.Large and IconSize.ExtraLarge) or without Typescript ("extraSmall", "small", "medium", "large" and "extraLarge").
- [Hero] The optional arrow icon takes vertical space and may require background color to be set.
- [SelectionGroup] Updated element spacings
- Typography changes to heading line-heights and letter-spacings
- [Hero] heading typography changes
- [Header] heading typography changes
- [Header.ActionBarSubItem] iconLeft and iconRight props renamed to iconStart and iconEnd
- [Dialog] heading typography changes
- [Dialog.Header] iconLeft prop renamed to iconStart
- [CookieConsent] heading typography changes
- [Accordion] heading typography changes
- [Pagination] Active element changed from "a" element to "span" element
- [Hero] content spacing changes
- [Icon] ariaLabel, ariaLabelledby and ariaHidden replaced by native aria-* counterparts.
- [StatusLabel] iconLeft prop renamed to iconStart
- [Table] dataTestId prop changed to "data-testid"
- [Notification] dataTestId prop changed to "data-testid"
- [Logo] dataTestId prop changed to "data-testid"
- [Pagination] dataTestId prop changed to "data-testid"
- [StatusLabel] dataTestId prop changed to "data-testid"
- [Stepper] dataTestId prop changed to "data-testid"
- [Breadcrumb] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Footer] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Footer.Base] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Footer.Custom] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Footer.Utilities] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Footer.Navigation] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Footer.Link] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Header] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Header.ActionBar] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Header.ActionBarItem] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Header.LanguageSelector] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Header.NavigationMenu] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [Header.Universalbar] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [SideNavigation] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [SkipLink] ariaLabel prop changed to "aria-label"
- [CookieConsent] Rewritten CookieConsent component
- [Hero] New information element below the hero for photographer credits
- [StatusLabel] Added SCSS support and scss files are exported too. See documentation about usage.
- [Breadcrumbs] Added SCSS support and scss files are exported too. See documentation about usage.
- [Checkbox] Added SCSS support and scss files are exported too. See documentation about usage.
- [Button] Added SCSS support and scss files are exported too. See documentation about usage.
- [Table] Added SCSS support and scss files are exported too. See documentation about usage.
- [Notification] Added SCSS support and scss files are exported too. See documentation about usage.
Changes that are not related to specific components
- [Hero] The optional arrow element does not overlap with the element below
- [Notification] Change auto closing notification progressbar to decrease instead of increase.
- [LinkBox] Change size prop to an enum (LinkboxSize.Small, LinkboxSize.Medium, LinkboxSize.Large), not a breaking change though since the enum values are identical to the old ones.
- [Logo] Changed size prop to enum (LogoSize.Small, LogoSize.Medium, LogoSize.Large and LogoSize.Full) which correspond to previous values "small", "medium", "large" and "full".
- [TextInput] Fixed issues with custom colors not applied to all elements.
- [Hero] The optional arrow icon takes vertical space and may require background color to be set. Typography changes.
- [Tag] Rewritten Tag component
- [Button] Renewed Button component with theming support
- [Link] Renamed hds-icon-left class to hds-icon-start
- [Table] id and headingId props do not have default values anymore. Affects also the id of the CheckBox inside the Table. Also removed default dataTestId
- [Stepper] Removed default dataTestId.
- [Pagination] Removed default dataTestId.
- [SelectionGroup] Updated element spacings
- Typography changes to heading line-heights and letter-spacings
- [Table] heading typography changes
- [StepByStep] heading typography changes
- [Notification] heading typography changes
- [Highlight] heading typography changes
- [Pagination] Active element changed from "a" element to "span" element
- [Hero] New information element below the hero for photographer credits
Changes that are not related to specific components
- [Component] What has been changed
- [TextInput] Fixed issues with custom colors not applied to all elements.
Design tokens
- Changed colour
due to contrast issues and the accessibility and readability improvement.
- [Component] What are the breaking changes?
- [StatusLabel] Documentation about SCSS usage.
- [Breadcrumbs] Documentation about SCSS usage.
- [Checkbox] Documentation about SCSS usage.
- [Button] Documentation about SCSS usage.
- [Table] Documentation about SCSS usage.
- [Notification] Documentation about SCSS usage.
Changes that are not related to specific components
- [Breadcrumbs] Changed Breadcrumbs status to stable
- [Dropdown] Changed Dropdown status to deprecated
- [Header] Changed Header status to beta
- [Hero] Added documentation and examples for new information element
- [Tag] Document the new Tag component and it's uses
- [Button] Renewed Button component with theming support
- [Notification] Changed according to new size enum.
- [ErrorSummary] Changed according to new size enum.
- [Icon] Document the size prop as enum usage.
- Changes to the line-heights in foundation/typography.