Django application and REST API for managing opening hours across all services
API documentation automatically generated from OpenAPI schema can be found from
The OpenAPI schema is served from
(Assuming you are running the project locally)
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- PostgreSQL (>= 10)
- Python (>= 3.9)
The easiest way to develop is
git clone
cd hauki
Copy the development config file example config_dev.env.example
to config_dev.env
(feel free to edit the configuration file if you have any settings you wish to change):
cp config_dev.env.example config_dev.env
docker compose up dev
and open your browser to
Run tests with
docker compose run dev test
Also, uncomment line to activate configuring the dev environment with a local file.
Production setup will require a separate PostgreSQL database server (see "Database") below. Once you have a PostGIS database server running,
docker run hauki
In production, configuration is done with corresponding environment variables. See config_dev.env.example
for the environment variables needed to set in production.
hauki runs on PostgreSQL. Install the server on Debian-based systems with:
sudo apt install postgresql
Then create a database user and the database itself as the postgres
system user:
createuser <your username>
createdb -l fi_FI.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -T template0 -O <your username> hauki;'
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd hauki
Initiate a virtualenv and install the Python requirements plus development requirements:
pyenv virtualenv hauki-env
pyenv local hauki-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Copy the development config file example config_dev.env.example
to config_dev.env
(feel free to edit the configuration file if you have any settings you wish to change):
cp config_dev.env.example config_dev.env
Run tests:
Run migrations:
python migrate
Run dev server:
python runserver
and open your browser to
Before committing files to the repository it's advisable to use the configured pre-commit hooks (see .pre-commit-config.yaml
). The CI pipeline will fail if the files are not formatted correctly.
pre-commit is included in the requirements-dev.txt. After cloning the repository you should install the requirements and then install the hooks by running:
pre-commit install
The pre-commit hook runs Ruff and other checks on the staged files before committing. The badly formatted files are not automatically changed, you have to run Ruff yourself.
You can at any time run the following command if you would like to check all of the files.
pre-commit run --all-files
!!!Note New commit messages must adhere to the Conventional Commits specification, and line length is limited to 72 characters.
When pre-commit
is in use, commitlint
checks new commit messages for the correct format.
Project includes a .git-blame-ignore-revs
file for ignoring certain commits from git blame
This can be useful for ignoring e.g. formatting commits, so that it is more clear from git blame
where the actual code change came from. Configure your git to use it for this project with the
following command:
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
New commit to PR will trigger review pipeline. Review pipeline builds application and deploys a dynamic environment to the Openshift dev. The review environment can be used to verify PR.
Deployment to dev environment is handled automatically from main branch. Updates to main branch triggers azure pipeline that will run tests, build and deploy to dev environment hosted by red hat openshift. Currently azure-pipeline is configured directly from version control, but red hat openshift configuration resides in openshift cluster.
Release is done by release-please. It creates release PR based on commits messages. Merge of the PR will trigger a release pipeline that build and deploys to stage and test environments automatically.
Release-please update the package.json version number automatically and it is included to release PR.
Publishing to production requires manual approval in the DevOps release pipeline.
Currently, importing resources from Helsinki metropolitan area unit registry (TPREK) is supported. Import all resources from TPREK API by
python hours_import tprek --resources
This imports all TPREK units and some of their child resources that are expected to have opening hours. Identical child resources may be merged into a single child having multiple parents, as they most often will have the same opening hours. Merging identical child resources can be done by running the import instead with
python hours_import tprek --resources --merge
Opening hours may be imported for any Finnish libraries from the API.
This requires that libraries already exist in the database (imported from TPREK or created by other means), with correct kirkanta ids in the identifiers
field. The importer doesn't currently import any libraries into the database, but you may suggest a PR that imports all libraries as resources, if you wish to import libraries outside the Helsinki area from the API.
Import library opening hours from the API for all resources that have kirkanta identifiers by
python hours_import kirjastot --openings
This imports opening hours for the libraries starting from today and ending one year in the future. If you wish to specify another start date, you may use
python hours_import kirjastot --openings --date 2021-01-01
If you only wish to import opening hours for a single library, you may use its kirkanta id, e.g. for Kallion kirjasto
python hours_import kirjastot --openings --single 84860
Opening hours may also be imported by trying to parse strings provided in TPREK API for all known TPREK units. This feature should not be run automatically in production, as you must manually verify that the resulting opening hours are the same as the intention of the TPREK data.
Import all existing TPREK opening hours (and be prepared for errors and mistakes in the data) by
python hours_import tprek --openings
or, if your db contains merged TPREK resources,
python hours_import tprek --openings --merge
Organizations may be imported for the City of Helsinki decision makers from the Paatos API, or for the TPREK data publishers (including City of Helsinki opening hour publishers) from the TPREK API.
Import all TPREK publisher organizations by
python import_organizations -c tprek