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InfoFinland Drupal site

Drupal website for the InfoFinland project.


Env Branch Drush alias URL Notes
development * - Local development environment
production main @main  

Instance specific features

The Infofinland frontend is built using Next.js. Some Next.js drupal modules conflict with helfi_platform_config. To work around this, a special infofinland_dummy module is used, which replaces problematic modules. This module allows the compatible parts of helfi_platform_config to be used.


You need to have these applications installed to operate on all environments:

  • Docker
  • Stonehenge
  • For theme development: node >=16.6 is required. NVM is recomennended for node version management. .nvmrc is included in the theme
  • For the new person: Your SSH public key needs to be added to servers

Create and start the environment

For the first time (new project):

$ make new

Stop project:

$ make stop

Start project after stopping it:

$ make up

Stop project and remove containers:

$ make down

Start project, rebuild and update configuration:

$ make up; make build; make post-install

Install fresh Drupal site from existing configuration:

$ make build; make drush-si; make post-install

Start project, update all packages and sync db from local sql dump:

$ make fresh

Update Drupal and composer modules

Install all modules and composer packages:

$ make build

Update all modules and composer packages:

$ make composer-update

Update only Drupal core:

$ make drupal-update

Note: After updates, clear caches, run database updates and export possibly changed configuration:

$ make drush-cr; make drush-updb; make drush-cex

Update Composer.lock if outdated (after merges, etc):

# Login into app container first:
$ make shell

# Update lock file:
$ composer update --lock

Configuration management and workflow

When checking out new branch run make drush-cim to import new config changes to the database.

Remember always run make drush-cex after you have made configuration changes and before you pull or checkout new code. Remember also to commit your config changes.

Export settings:

$ make drush-cex

Import settings:

$ make drush-cim

When checking out new branch run make drush-cim to import new config changes to the database.

Remember always run make drush-cex after you have made configuration changes and before you pull or checkout new code. Remember also to commit your config changes.

Setting up the site locally with frontend

Setting up the Drupal site.

  1. Clone the site code:

git clone [email protected]:City-of-Helsinki/drupal-infofinland.git

  1. Go to the folder and change to dev-branch:

git fetch && git checkout dev

  1. Then you need database. We need to have the database on the root of the project with a name dump.sql. You can get it from production like this:
  • Log into VPN.
  • Go to the address, press Display Token and copy the command that starts oc login --token=... from the page. Paste that to your terminal screen.
  • Select which project you want to get the database for with oc project [project_name] for example oc project hki-kanslia-infofinland-prod.
  • Then get the pods of that project with oc get pods.
  • Now select a pod and save the pod to variable pod=[pod_name] for example pod=infofinland-drupal-75-8n6qn.
  • Then use this command to dump the database to your local: oc rsh $pod drush sql:dump --structure-tables-key=common --result-file=/tmp/dump.sql && oc rsync $pod:/tmp/dump.sql . && oc rsh $pod rm /tmp/dump.sql
  • Now you have a database in a file called dump.sql on the root of the project.
  • There might be issues with the database collation so run sed -i '' 's/utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci/utf8mb4_swedish_ci/g' dump.sql
  1. Now that we have the database we need to get the drupal instance up and running.

make fresh

After a while you should have your local Infofinland Drupal running.

Setting up the NextJS front.

  1. Install Yarn if not already installed:

npm install -g yarn 2. Now you need to close your VPN so that you can use git. 3. Next clone the UI to your local (not inside the drupal-infofinland folder but to the same level):

git clone [email protected]:City-of-Helsinki/infofinland-ui.git 4. Go to the infofinland-ui folder and change the branch to develop:

git fetch && git checkout develop

  1. Install dependencies:


  1. After that we need to create and configure the .env.local file for the infofinland-ui front. Copy the example file to .env.local:

cp .env.example.local .env.local

  1. Then go to the infofinland_ui root and run:

yarn dev

This should start the frontend and the frontend should be able to talk with the backend now and you should be able to see the working frontend on http://localhost:3000/ address.

Useful documentation if you run into problems:

Other useful commands

After pulling latest changes, run all the updates:

$ make drush-deploy

# Login to app container
$ make shell

# Login to Drupal with Drush:
$ make drush-uli

# Create sql dump from local site
$ make drush-create-dump

# Check Drupal coding style
$ make lint-drupal

# Automatically fix Drupal coding style errors:
$ make fix-drupal

Coding standards

Follow Drupal's coding standards:

City of Helsinki's coding standars and best practices:

Check for coding style violantions by running $ make lint-drupal

Gitflow workflow

The Gitflow workflow is followed, with the following conventions:

Main branch: dev. All feature branches are created from dev and merged back with pull requests. All new code must be added with pull requests, not committed directly.

Production branch: main. Code running in production. Code is merged to main with release and hotfix branches.

Feature branches: For example, feature/IFU-000-add-content-type, Use Jira ticket number in the branch name. Always created from and merged back to dev with pull requests after code review and testing.

Release branches: Code for future and currently developed releases. Should include the version number, for example: 1.1.0

Hotfix branches: Branches for small fixes to production code. Should include the word hotfix, for example: IFU-hotfix-drupal-updates. Remember to also merge these back to dev.