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Merge 185daf8 into 44bd439
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dire authored Sep 5, 2023
2 parents 44bd439 + 185daf8 commit 05de235
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 40 deletions.
169 changes: 129 additions & 40 deletions modules/helfi_toc/assets/js/tableOfContents.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
'use strict';

(function (Drupal, once) {
(function (Drupal, once, drupalSettings) {
Drupal.behaviors.table_of_contents = {
attach: function attach() {

function findAvailableId(name, reserved, anchors, count) {
let newName = name;
if (count > 0) { // Only when headings are not unique on page we want to add counter
newName += '-' + count;
newName += `-${count}`;
if (reserved.includes(newName)) {
return findAvailableId(name, reserved, anchors, ++count);
} else if (anchors.includes(newName)) {
return findAvailableId(name, reserved, anchors, count + 1);

if (anchors.includes(newName)) {
if (count === 0) {
count++; // When reserved heading is visible on page, lets start counting from 2 instead of 1
count += 1; // When reserved heading is visible on page, lets start counting from 2 instead of 1
return findAvailableId(name, reserved, anchors, ++count);
return findAvailableId(name, reserved, anchors, count + 1);
return newName;
Expand All @@ -32,62 +34,149 @@

// Exclude elements from TOC that are not content:
// e.g. TOC, sidebar, cookie compliency-banner etc.
const exclusions = '' +
const exclusions =
'' +
':not(.layout-sidebar-first *)' +
':not(.layout-sidebar-second *)' +
':not(.tools__container *)' +
':not(.breadcrumb__container *)' +
':not(#helfi-toc-table-of-contents *)' +
':not(.embedded-content-cookie-compliance *)' +
':not(.react-and-share-cookie-compliance *)'
':not(.react-and-share-cookie-compliance *)';

const titleComponents = [

const mainLanguages = [

const swaps = {
'0': '[°₀۰0]',
'1': '[¹₁۱1]',
'2': '[²₂۲2]',
'3': '[³₃۳3]',
'4': '[⁴₄۴٤4]',
'5': '[⁵₅۵٥5]',
'6': '[⁶₆۶٦6]',
'7': '[⁷₇۷7]',
'8': '[⁸₈۸8]',
'9': '[⁹₉۹9]',
'a': '[àáảãạăắằẳẵặâấầẩẫậāąåαάἀἁἂἃἄἅἆἇᾀᾁᾂᾃᾄᾅᾆᾇὰᾰᾱᾲᾳᾴᾶᾷаأအာါǻǎªაअاaä]',
'b': '[бβبဗბbब]',
'c': '[çćčĉċc©]',
'd': '[ďðđƌȡɖɗᵭᶁᶑдδدضဍဒდdᴅᴆ]',
'e': '[éèẻẽẹêếềểễệëēęěĕėεέἐἑἒἓἔἕὲеёэєəဧေဲეएإئe]',
'f': '[фφفƒფf]',
'g': '[ĝğġģгґγဂგگg]',
'h': '[ĥħηήحهဟှჰh]',
'i': '[íìỉĩịîïīĭįıιίϊΐἰἱἲἳἴἵἶἷὶῐῑῒῖῗіїиဣိီည်ǐიइیii̇ϒ]',
'j': '[ĵјჯجj]',
'k': '[ķĸкκقكကკქکk]',
'l': '[łľĺļŀлλلလლlल]',
'm': '[мμمမმm]',
'n': '[ñńňņʼnŋνнنနნn]',
'o': '[óòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợøōőŏοὀὁὂὃὄὅὸόоوθိုǒǿºოओoöө]',
'p': '[пπပპپp]',
'q': '[ყq]',
'r': '[ŕřŗрρرრr]',
's': '[śšşсσșςسصစſსsŝ]',
't': '[ťţтτțتطဋတŧთტt]',
'u': '[úùủũụưứừửữựûūůűŭųµуဉုူǔǖǘǚǜუउuўü]',
'v': '[вვϐv]',
'w': '[ŵωώဝွw]',
'x': '[χξx]',
'y': '[ýỳỷỹỵÿŷйыυϋύΰيယyῠῡὺ]',
'z': '[źžżзζزဇზz]',
'aa': '[عआآ]',
'ae': '[æǽ]',
'ai': '[ऐ]',
'ch': '[чჩჭچ]',
'dj': '[ђđ]',
'dz': '[џძ]',
'ei': '[ऍ]',
'gh': '[غღ]',
'ii': '[ई]',
'ij': '[ij]',
'kh': '[хخხ]',
'lj': '[љ]',
'nj': '[њ]',
'oe': '[öœؤ]',
'oi': '[ऑ]',
'oii': '[ऒ]',
'ps': '[ψ]',
'sh': '[шშش]',
'shch': '[щ]',
'ss': '[ß]',
'sx': '[ŝ]',
'th': '[þϑثذظ]',
'ts': '[цცწ]',
'ue': '[ü]',
'uu': '[ऊ]',
'ya': '[я]',
'yu': '[ю]',
'zh': '[жჟژ]',
'gx': '[ĝ]',
'hx': '[ĥ]',
'jx': '[ĵ]',

// Craft table of contents.
once('table-of-contents', titleComponents.join(','), mainContent)
.forEach(function (content) {
const name = content.textContent
let name = content.textContent
.replace(/ä/gi, 'a')
.replace(/ö/gi, 'o')
.replace(/å/gi, 'a')
.replace(/\W/g, '-')
.replace(/-(\d+)$/g, '_$1');

let nodeName = content.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === 'button') {
nodeName = content.parentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();

// To ensure backwards compatibility, this is done only to "other" languages.
if (!mainLanguages.includes(drupalSettings.path.currentLanguage)) {
Object.keys(swaps).forEach((swap) => {
name = name.replace(new RegExp(swaps[swap], 'g'), swap);
else {
name = name
.replace(/ä/gi, 'a')
.replace(/ö/gi, 'o')
.replace(/å/gi, 'a');

name = name.replace(/\W/g, '-').replace(/\s/g, '-').replace(/-(\d+)$/g, '_$1');

let nodeName = content.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === 'button') {
nodeName = content.parentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();

const anchorName =
: findAvailableId(name, reserved, anchors, 0);


// Create table of contents if component is enabled.
if (tableOfContentsList && nodeName === "h2") {
let listItem = document.createElement('li');
// Create table of contents if component is enabled.
if (tableOfContentsList && nodeName === 'h2') {
let listItem = document.createElement('li');

let link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = '#' + anchorName;
link.textContent = content.textContent.trim();
let link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = `#${anchorName}`;
link.textContent = content.textContent.trim();

// Create anchor links.
content.setAttribute('id', anchorName);
// Create anchor links.
content.setAttribute('id', anchorName);

// Remove loading text.
if (tableOfContents) {
Expand All @@ -98,4 +187,4 @@
})(Drupal, once);
})(Drupal, once, drupalSettings);

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