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Reference cloud application deployment incorporating various Cisco security technology APIs. Focuses on common real-world components and patterns, applying security best practices.

Network architecture

Tested using:

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Kubernetes 1.29

  • Terraform 1.8.4 / OpenTofu 1.7.1

  • Kubectl 1.30.0

  • Helm 3.14.4


A 'typical' containerized, client-server web application with internal REST API and access group use-cases for at least 3 classes of users (admin/employee/external-customer).



Network Infrastructure

Also using: AWS IAM / ACM / Route 53

Security Products


  • Amazon AWS admin account - this must be a paid account. It is highly recommended that this not be a production account, and/or that it is based in an AWS region not used by any production resources.

    Note: This project creates AWS resources that will incur (modest) ongoing charges - be sure to perform the steps in Cleanup AWS Resources when they are no longer needed.

  • AWS CLI installation - assumes login credentials have been configured and CLI commands can be executed against the target AWS account/region.

  • AWS Route 53 registered domain, owned by the AWS admin account above. This domain will be used for the web-site/MS-AD - required for integration with Cisco Duo SSO/MFA.

  • Kubectl installation.

  • Helm installation.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository and change into the directory:

    git clone
    cd project-mcgruff
  2. Create an S3 bucket - this will be used for Terraform state files.

    Be sure to keep encryption and bucket versioning enabled.

    Then, update terraform/infrastructure/ and terraform/infrastructure/ terraform.backend sections with your S3 bucket name and region.

  3. Edit /terraform/global.tfvars.

    All values can be left commented/default except domain_name, which must be provided (see Pre-Requisites above).

  4. First, create the infrastructure resources:

    (First run only)

    terraform init
    cd terraform/infrastructure
    terraform apply -var-file="../global.tfvars"

    Hint: You can use pv to provide a running time-elapsed: terraform apply -var-file="../global.tfvars" | pv -t

    Allow this to complete (approx. 35 minutes).

    Output will indicate the associated AWS EC2 key pair file name (for retrieving the local Administrator password) and the AWS Secrets Manager name for the Active Directory Admin credential (for domain login to the management instance):

    Active_Directory_Management_Instance_Private_Key_FIle_Name = "mcgruff-20240523161937071600000001.pem"
    Secrets_Manager_Active_Directory_Credential_Name = "mcgruff-active-directory-credential-20240523154127198200000001"

    Admin console accesss to the AD management instance will be available only via AWS Fleet Manager, e.g. from the instance EC2/Instances/Instance/Connect/RDP client page. Login can be via the Active Directory admin credentials, or to the local Windows Administrator account by first decrypting the password

    Note: It may take a few minutes before the AD management instance is fully started/online/SSM-managed before you can connect to it. Note also that joining it to the AD domain (which happens after the directory has been created) causes it to reboot again.

  5. Next, create resources and deploy the application:

    (First run only)

    terraform init
    cd terraform/application
    terraform apply -var-file="../global.tfvars"

    Allow this to complete (approx. 10 minutes).

    Output will provide the AWS Secrets Manager secret name for the database Admin credential, and the URL for the running application:

    Application_URL = ""
    Secrets_Manager_Database_Credential_Name = "mcgruff-database-credential-20240523163719521000000001"

Example/estimated apply times (us-east-1)

Config File Create Destroy
1_infrastructure (all) 34:54 11:02 2:12 0:57 10:52 12:11 32:52 8:14 2:54 ?:??
2_application (all) 9:17 6:04 4:56 4:50 0:31 0:15 0:41 0:06 3:35 1:36

Cleanup AWS Resources

Resources will need to be cleaned up in reverse order of their creation:

  1. Destroy the Kubernetes application resources/deployment:

    cd terraform/application
    terraform destroy -var-file="global.tfvars"

    Wait for this to complete (approx. ??? minutes)

  2. Destroy the AWS infrastructure resources:

    cd terraform/infrastructure
    terraform destroy -var-file="global.tfvars"

    Wait for this to complete (approx. ??? minutes)


  • and - These script files will launch MariaDB and Wordpress instances in local Docker containers, for testing/experimentation. Optional to use.

  • Component versions - This project specifies component versions where possible (e.g. Terraform providers, AWS NLB, etc.) - one notable exception being the Windows AMI for the AD management instance. This should make things reproducible, but may drift re functionality and/or security updates on certain components over time. An update/upgrade plan (and automation) for keeping things up-to-date yet stable is advised.

    Note: In production, you would definitely want to identify/specify component versions whenever possible for consistency/reproducibility reasons.

  • Resource version updates/upgrades - AWS makes availiable update/upgrade services for many/most components if provides (notable exception: the AWS load-balancer controller) - you will likely want to investigate/implement these in a production environment. (TODO: modify this project to implement those as a best practice).

  • Partial configurations - .tf files can be moved into/out-of associated disabled folders to remove/create portions of a config. There are dependencies between most files in a config, however - these are refelected by the file name prefixes (e.g., be sure to enable/disable these in order.

    Note: if installing files piece-meal, you may need to update the Terraform libraries installed in the config, i.e.:

    terraform init -upgrade
  • AWS CLI credentials timeout - This can occur during Terraform apply and may result in interruption of the run (potentially causing corruption/sync problems between the actual resources and the Terraform state file.)

    It is possible to modify (i.e. increase) the AWS authentication session duration via: IAM/Access management/Roles/{admin role}/Summary/Edit.

    Note: Do this at your own risk and only in non-production environments - extended session lifetime can be a security risk.

    Once modified, you will want to modify your AWS CLI authentication mechanism to start requesting the longer session duration.

  • Corruption/sync issues in Terraform state files - This can occur due to apply run interruptions (credential timeouit/network connection loss), or even just when provider-side errors/issues cause an abort.

    This can be difficult to recover from, but a few initial things to try, in increasing order of desperation:

    • Correct any problems in the configuration and re-apply.

    • Try terraform plan -refresh=ADDRESS, see Command: plan.

    • Destroy resources affected by the error using Terraform. Try moving individual .tf files into disabled/ or commenting-out specific resources.

    • Destroy the entire Terraform configuration and start fresh (terraform destroy --var-file="../global.tfvars).

    • If all else fails, you may need to manually delete some/all resources via the AWS admin console and delete the Terraform state files from the S3 bucket.

    • Start Googling, e.g. How to Recover Your Deployment From a Terraform Apply Crash.

Useful Commands

  • Update kubectl credentials - Once the EKS cluster has been created, you can refresh kubectl credentials with:

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name CLUSTERNAME

    Note: this is done automatically when the terraform/infrastructure configuration is applied.

  • View aws-load-balancer-controller versions

    helm search repo eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --versions
  • View EKS cluster add-on versions

    aws eks describe-addon-versions --adon-name vpc-cni --no-cli-pager
  • View Kubernetes logs - for the application deployment:

    kubectl -n namespace get pods
    kubectl -n namespace logs deployment-bbfd776f5-cs4fj
  • Restart deployment - restart the application container, if necessary:

    kubectl -n namespace get pods
    kubectl rolling restart deployment deployment-bbfd776f5-cs4fj
  • Container interactive terminal session:

    kubectl -n namespace get pods
    kubectl -n namespace exec -it deployment-bbfd776f5-cs4fj -- /bin/bash
  • Port forwarding from instance to local PC:

    E.g. 3389 for RDP.

    aws ssm start-session --target yourinstanceid --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession --parameters "localPortNumber=55678,portNumber=3389"
  • Check windows instance domain membership:

    Local PC:

    aws ssm start-session --target yourInstanceId


    Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem
  • Manually Join AD Management Instance to Domain

    Local PC:

    aws ssm start-session --target yourInstanceId


    Add-Computer -DomainName “” -Credential “Admin”

    You will be asked for the domain Admin password (created during infrastructure/ run.)

  • Manually install AD tools on the AD Managerment Instance


    Install-WindowsFeature -Name GPMC,RSAT-AD-PowerShell,RSAT-AD-AdminCenter,RSAT-ADDS-Tools,RSAT-DNS-Server


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