The concept of penguin alarm is to provide your team a shared understanding of responsibilities as team members with an engaging backdrop of livestreams. It lets your team members know what merge requests are open in gitlab, as well as what problems you may be experiencing in production.
This method is easier to use and taxes gitlab less. Unless you have a compelling reason to do otherwise, please use this approach.
Go to to set up your configuration - just type a new name in the configuration field to start.
- If you'd like to use penguin alarm with new relic, refer to the how to get a new relic api key.
- In order to see deployments, the
[email protected]
user will need to be added as a member to your groups or projects.
Click your new configuration's name to take you to your new dashboard.
This method is not recommended, because it puts more pressure on gitlab than is necessary and is more difficult to set up. However, it remains valid to use for backward compatibility, and more importantly, because it is available outside the VPN
To run penguin alarm, you only have to bring up a browser window at a url of the following format:<personal gitlab token>&configUrl=<a path to your yaml file>&nrApiKey=<the new relic api key>
The gitlabToken and nrApiKey fields are not strictly required. Omitting the gitlab token will disable the merge request layer, and omitting the new relic api key will disable the new relic alerts.
Penguin alarm requires a personal gitlab token to access information on your merge request status. You can get one by following these instructions.
Note: Your personal access token is a powerful accessor (and modifier) of gitlab data, do not share it widely.
The new relic api key can be found at For access, contact [email protected].
Penguin alarm gets all your custom settings from a yaml file that it polls periodically (it will update your screen without page refreshes). It expects the yaml file to look something like the fulfiller integration squad configuration. We recommend keeping your configuration on github, as that can be updated live, and does not require authentication that penguin alarm will not be able to navigate.