Injects a dll from command line to the given process memory. Tested only on 64 bit process and 64 bit dll.
Download the file from x64/Release/RemoteThreader.exe
You probably first need the VS 2015 runtimes vc_redist.x64.exe and/or vc_redist.x86.exe, if they are not installed already. I've built the executable using VS 2015, and Microsoft is not providing those runtimes (who knows why) with Windows 10 yet.
RemoteThreader [processName] [DLLpath] ([functionName]) ([functionArgument])
Function argument is given to function as wchar_t*
If you omit function name and function argument, program tries to free the dll.
For debugging and testing this program you need a DLL and process, in the project settings I have used: (x64w/AutoHotkey.dll) placed in the solution directory and notepad.exe as process to inject to.
MIT Licensed, see LICENSE Jari Pennanen, 2015