This dashboard shows the google trends i.e. the keywords which are mostly searched in a country using API from google trends in realtime. I used SerpAPI ( to get the data. This is a free API that allows us to search only 5 keywords at max. We can just specify the keywords as we need.
API query for Country "let // Define the API endpoint apiUrl = "",
// Define the parameters queryParams = [ engine = "google_trends", q = Keywords , data_type = "GEO_MAP", date = "today 5-y", tz="-330", api_key = "your api key"],
// Combine the endpoint and parameters fullUrl = apiUrl & "?" & Uri.BuildQueryString(queryParams),
// Make the HTTP request response = Web.Contents(fullUrl),
// Parse the JSON response jsonResponse = Json.Document(response),
// Convert the response to a table dataTable = Table.FromRecords({jsonResponse}),
// Extract the relevant data comparedBreakdownByRegion = dataTable{0}[compared_breakdown_by_region] in comparedBreakdownByRegion "
Query for By dates " let // Define the base URL for the API call BaseUrl = "",
// Define the query parameters with engine, terms, data type, date, and time zone
QueryParams = [engine = "google_trends",
q = Keywords,
data_type = "TIMESERIES",
date = "all",
tz = "-330",
api_key = "your api key"],
// Generate the full URL with query parameters UrlWithParams = BaseUrl & "?" & Text.Combine(List.Transform(Record.FieldNames(QueryParams), each _ & "=" & Uri.EscapeDataString(Record.Field(QueryParams, _))), "&"),
// Fetch data from the API JsonResponse = Json.Document(Web.Contents(UrlWithParams)),
// Extract the "interest_over_time" part from the JSON response InterestOverTime = JsonResponse[#"interest_over_time"] in InterestOverTime "
Query for past 7 Days " let // Define the base URL for the API call BaseUrl = "",
// Define the query parameters with engine, terms, data type, date, and time zone
QueryParams = [engine = "google_trends",
q = Keywords,
data_type = "TIMESERIES",
date = "all",
tz = "-330",
api_key = "your api key"],
// Generate the full URL with query parameters UrlWithParams = BaseUrl & "?" & Text.Combine(List.Transform(Record.FieldNames(QueryParams), each _ & "=" & Uri.EscapeDataString(Record.Field(QueryParams, _))), "&"),
// Fetch data from the API JsonResponse = Json.Document(Web.Contents(UrlWithParams)),
// Extract the "interest_over_time" part from the JSON response InterestOverTime = JsonResponse[#"interest_over_time"] in InterestOverTime "
Query for related keywords " let // Define the API endpoint apiUrl = "",
// Define the parameters queryParams = [engine = "google_trends", q = Target_keyword, data_type = "RELATED_TOPICS", api_key = "your api key"],
// Combine the endpoint and parameters to create the full URL fullUrl = apiUrl & "?" & Uri.BuildQueryString(queryParams),
// Make the HTTP request and get the response response = Web.Contents(fullUrl),
// Parse the JSON response jsonResponse = Json.Document(response) in jsonResponse "
Based on the data fetched by the APIs we have filtered out the data which is required for our dashboard.