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Carbon Asset Token Retirement Explorer

A React App that displays a list of retired Carbon Tokens



git clone
cd climate-warehouse
nvm install 16.0.0
nvm use 16.0.0
npm install -g @babel/cli husky prettier lint-staged cross-env
npm set-script prepare "husky install"
npm run prepare

// If you are on linux or mac run
chmod ug+x .husky/*
chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*

npm run start

Build Binaries

// transcompile project to es5
npm run build

// Output binaries to dist folder
npm run output-binary


You'll need:

  • Git

  • nvm

    This app uses nvm to align node versions across development, CI and production. If you're working on Windows you should consider nvm-windows


Upon your first commit, you will automatically be added to the package.json file as a contributor.


This repo uses a commit convention. A typical commit message might read:

    fix: correct home screen layout

The first part of this is the commit "type". The most common types are "feat" for new features, and "fix" for bugfixes. Using these commit types helps us correctly manage our version numbers and changelogs. Since our release process calculates new version numbers from our commits it is very important to get this right.

  • feat is for introducing a new feature
  • fix is for bug fixes
  • docs for documentation only changes
  • style is for code formatting only
  • refactor is for changes to code which should not be detectable by users or testers
  • test is for changes which only touch test files or related tooling
  • build is for changes which only touch our develop/release tools

After the type and scope there should be a colon.

The "subject" of the commit follows. It should be a short indication of the change. The commit convention prefers that this is written in the present-imperative tense.

Commit linting

Each time you commit the message will be checked against these standards in a pre-commit hook. Additionally all the commits in a PR branch will be linted before it can be merged to master.

Sequelize Generator

Creating Model and Migration Script

Use the following command to create a model and a migration script

npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string

Running Migrations

After you have generated the migration scripts you will need to sync it with the db. Use the following command

npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

Undoing Migration

If you messed up and you want to rollback some of your migration changes. Use the following command

npx sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo

Making changes to Migrations without rolling back

If you want to alter, drop or add a column or add a foriegn key or anything with the table. Use the following command to create a barebone migration script

npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name

Seed database

npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all


Models are not currently being added to our folder structure because sequelize can handle it. So for now. simply copy and paste the model into the appropriate folder

Running Full Text Search Queries

To run a FTS query on a supported table, you can use the MATCH operator. A virtual column rank is also available for sorting purposes.


SELECT rank, * FROM projects_fts WHERE projects_fts MATCH "PartialMatch*" ORDER BY rank

The '*' in the match is needed for wildcard

More info:

Connecting to the WebSocket
  1. Open a WebSocket connection to http://localhost:3000/v1/ws
    1. Once subscribed, emit either emit ...['subscribe', 'units'] or ['subscribe', 'projects']. You can emit both on the same connection
  2. You will receive frames that look like ...[change:units, {orgUid: '123'}], letting you know that there has been an update to a record