Django and GeoDjango to build a location-based web application. Nearby Shops will be listed, by using the GeoDjango.
- Python(3.5, +)
- Django web framework (2.1.+)
- GeoDjango dependencies : GEOS, GDAL, PROJ.4
- PostgreSQL and PostGIS database along with Docker
Refer to the docs for detailed instructions about how to install these dependencies on macOS and Windows.
You can simply head to the official website and download the binaries for your operating system.
sudo aptitude install gdal-bin libgdal-dev sudo aptitude install python3-gdal sudo aptitude install binutils libproj-dev
docker run --name=postgis -d -e POSTGRES_USER=user001 -e POSTGRES_PASS=123456789 -e POSTGRES_DBNAME=gis -p 5432:5432 kartoza/postgis:9.6-2.4
- Creating a Virtual Environment
- Installing Django
- Creating a Django Project startproject project_name
- Configuring the PostgreSQL Database
1.Open the file and add django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis as the engine with the credentials for the PostGIS database you configured earlier:
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis', 'NAME': 'gis', 'USER': 'user001', 'PASSWORD': '123456789', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '5432' } }
Note: You need to change the database credentials accordingly if you didn’t specify the same credentials when running the Docker container.
pip install psycopg2-binary
Open the file and locate the INSTALLED_APPS array. Then add the 'django.contrib.gis' module:
# [...]
python startapp app_name
# [...]
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python createsuperuser
You need some initial demo data for your application, but instead of manually adding data, you can use a data migration. Before creating a migration, let’s first get some real-world data from integrated Wizard, which makes it easy to create queries.
In our case, we want to get all the shops in a city. Simply click on the Wizard button. A small window will pop up. In the text field, write a query like “shop in Indore” and click on build and run query.
Next, click on the export button and click on download/copy as raw OSM data to download a JSON file that contains the raw OSM data. Save the file as data.json in your project’s root folder.
Now, let’s create an empty migration for importing the content of the data.json file in the database, using the following command:
- python makemigrations shops --empty
See migration file, use of load_data() and migrations.RunPython(load_data) is used to export data. Now, Run the migrate commenad
- python migrate
Use a html file to rander the details.