Welcome to the Item Catalog!
The item catalog provides a listing of sports products. Users can login to the site via Google+ or Facebook. Once logged in users can add, edit or delete categories and products. Users cannot modify categories and products from other uers. API endpoints are available in JSON and XML.
- A virtual machine of your choice to host the database and the webserver. I used VirtualBox and Vagrant.
- SQLite to host the item catalog database.
- Python to run the database script and web server.
- A client ID and client secret from either Google+ or Facebook.
Download the project files.
Open the root directory and locate database_test_script.py. This is the script to create and populate the database. Execute the script:
python database_test_script.py
- Now you'll need to save your client ID and client secret from your Google+ or Facebook account into the appropriate config file.
In the root directory locate client_secrets_google.json. Enter your client ID, client secret and project ID in the appropriate fields.
In the root directory locate client_secrets_facebook.json. Enter your client ID and client secret in the appropriate fields.
"app_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"app_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"
- In the root directory locate item_catalog.py. Launch the module to host the webserver:
python item_catalog.py
- Navigate to http://localhost:5000