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This is a template created in React to easily customize and build a REST API Documentation for commercial or development purposes. Project created using using create-react-app wth the typescript template

Roles and Permissions Preview Schema
Search Endpoint Section

Merge Between custom content and your API contract

You can easily sync you OpenAPI 3 JSON File using the "SectionItem" structure. In the next example you can see a SectionItem create for the Store tag from the PetStore Swagger example. This way can add images, descriptions, and introductory sections like "Getting Started"

const documentation: SectionItem = {
  id: "store",
  tag: "store",
  schema: "Order",
  title: "Store",
  content: {
    left_section_title: "Stores",
    left_section_paragraphs: ["This is a Store related operation"],
    right_box_snippet_white: true,
    right_box_snippet_title: "Example of a Order object",
  is_core_resource: true,

Structure of a SectionItem:

id: Anchor for URL

tag: Tag to found content inside the OpenAPI3 JSON file

title: Title for UI

content: Titles and descriptions. Also you can create a object like a example of a response/request.

is_core_resource: This boolean parameter help to split the content between sections like a "Getting Started" and the API endpoints

With a Array of SectionItems and the JSON of the OpenAPI Schema you can render the documentation:

import docSwagger from "./petstore.json"; // OpenAPI JSON
import APIDoc from "./doc"; // Array of SectionItem

<PrettyRestDoc docCustom={APIDoc} docSwagger={docSwagger} />;

Section for Roles and Permissions

You can create easily a table for roles and permissions sending the prop roles to the component. The SectionItem need the roles-permissions id for this special case.

  docSwagger={docSwagger as unknown as OpenAPIV3.Document}
      label: "Client",
      value: 'client'
      label: "Admin",
      value: 'admin'

Then you will need set the roles to each endpoint in the OpenAPI3 JSON.

  "put": {
    "tags": ["user"],
    "roles": ["admin"],
    "summary": "Update user",
    "description": "This can only be done by the logged in user.",
    "operationId": "updateUser"

Customization and Styles

The structure of the project is very easy to understand. The code of the documentation is inside the src/lib folder:

  • src/lib/adapter-ao3: Logic to get content from OpenAPI3
  • src/lib/components: All UI components, you can change styles or logic easily (Modules CSS implemented)
  • src/lib/hooks: Hooks!
  • src/lib/PrettyRestDoc.jsx: Root Component

Current example in this Repository

This Repository have a example using the PetStore from Swagger with the sections Pet, Store and User. But with three sections introductories using the power of SectionsItem structures. Also there are a section for Roles and Permissions

Run Documentation in your local Browser

npm install && npm run start

Run Tests

npm install && npm run test

Chrome Extension
