Hysteretic Gatekeeping Depression Model of prairie basin connected/contributing fractions
The HGDM estimates the variable connected/contributing fractions of prairie basins which are dominated by depressional storage. The model has 2 components
- The small depressions, which show hysteresis, but not gatekeeping and
- The large depression(s), which gatekeep, but do not show hysteresis when modelled individually.
The small depressions are modelled using a single meta depression.
The model is based on Shook, K., Papalexiou, S., Pomeroy, J.W., 2021. Quantifying the effects of Prairie depressional storage complexes on drainage basin connectivity. Journal of Hydrology 593, 125846. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125846.
The model is being developed for incorporation into existing hydrological modelling programs such as CRHM and MESH.
The directories are
- data files, including depression areas, volumes and catchment areas for Smith Creek Research Basin
- CRHM models which incorporate HGDM
- outputs from the CRHM models